a picture essay detailing why I love Changmin

Apr 22, 2007 18:37

So I edited my last post and redid the bit about Changmin to make it into a real picspam.

First and foremost, Changmin is pretty:

and maybe in this picture, there is a slight resemblance to Junno (source: Hadaka no Johnny's).
But despite my love for Junno, I don't actually think they look too similar. Anyway, enough of Junno for now, back to Changmin and why I ♥ him.

He looks good in glasses:

(note to self: find more picture of Changmin in (sun)glasses.)

He makes funny faces:

He has a very nice neck:

credit: salah_kira

He does crazy things with his hair:

credit: fearless_123

credit: fearless_123

credit: indicted

He is a bit of a nerd:

credit: fearless_123

credit: indicted

He has the cutest smile:

note the lopsided eyes, please!!

He has the cutest pout:

But best of all, he (like our once-innocent Tegoshi) is growing up and Changmin can be absolutely smoking hot:

credit: fearless_123

credit: fearless_123

credit: fearless_123

credit: fearless_123

Oh, and he likes bondage:

I'd like to say there are other (not-so-superficial) reasons for why I ♥ Changmin, but let's be honest. I would absolute die if I woke up one day and saw this by my bedroom window:

(and much thanks to drarmp1t for scanning my absolute favorite picture of Changmin EVER.)

And as to other pictures that remain uncredited, I'm happy to credit them properly if anyone can tell me where they're from.

picspam, kpop: dbsk

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