Title: "smile, this city's burning down" Fandom: Storm Hawks Theme/Prompt 16. rip, 64damn_prompts Characters/Pairings: Dark Ace/Aerrow Rating: T A/N: Fun times on a skimmer. :D
And then they crashed because nobody was driving, I tought in spite of myself at the end.
Well-written, hot, and maybe, maybe - there was a flicker of something - sweet? A+, mademoiselle. <3
...waitwaitwait, 64 promts? May I ask if you're going to try and fill this list or just particularly liked this one prompt? The former would make me downright giddy.
Comments 9
Well-written, hot, and maybe, maybe - there was a flicker of something - sweet? A+, mademoiselle. <3
...waitwaitwait, 64 promts? May I ask if you're going to try and fill this list or just particularly liked this one prompt? The former would make me downright giddy.
Um, also? All 64 prompts. Hopefully.
*goes downright giddy*
And thank you for adding my journal to friends. <3 Would you mind if I added you back? :)
I have a theory for the Dark Ace - it involves invisible string. D:
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