Title: "it's not enough to say that i miss you"
Fandom: Storm Hawks
Theme/Prompt 61. stories,
64damn_promptsCharacters/Pairings: light Dark Ace/Aerrow
Rating: K
A/N: inspired by
psychelogical's charming microfic meme (
link )
what on earth could he have seen in him at 4 years old? )
Comments 13
*forcefully imagines happy AU ending*
It would certainly be an epic AU, though. :D
Honestly, the fact that it gets different ones makes my day. :D
I am so so SO happy that you used my prompt!! This is incredibly adorable and sweet (I think I have cavities now xD) and just. YEAH.
I am literally going to have to write something angsty and horribly sad and depressing to make up for all the sap I've been pouring out. D: Oh noes.
you should continue on that. i've never seen someone written it like that.
This begs to be continued. I'm so betting there's no other "mariage" fic out there.
BTW, that last line? I squealed in happiness. And my parents don't even notice cuz I do it so often. -____-
(OMG. I just got the cliched (I dun have accents on an iPod) idea of an arranged marriage fic, or the marry best fighters from each side to make peace or something.
I also have the feeling that MC is a yaoi/slash fangirl. Kufufufu...
*goes back to happy place*
Oh yeah, I friended you. Is that alright? *nervous glance*
marry best fighters from each side to make peace
That's. . . kind of an epic idea *o* Oh, and MC is totz a fangirl. You can just tell >:D
Yeah, it's great you friended me! Thank you! It's always fun to have people who read your fic :3
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