Title: "i'm ready to begin, the waiting has to end"
Fandom: Storm Hawks
Theme/Prompt: 21. rise,
64damn_promptsCharacters/Pairings: Dark Ace/Aerrow
Rating: K
A/N: oh, Aerrow, you and your pesky hormones lol whoremoans.
prickly heat flooding his nerve endings )
Comments 11
SCORE. I really feel like I'm hitting some sort of stride now :D
I mean, he is fourteen. He's bound to have gone through this at some point - it's not like he's excluded from nature even though he gives off the impression that he's completely asexual.
He is so PURE and NOBLE and KIND, isn't he? I bet people around him feel horrible about themselves.
I bet no one ever really talks about anything sexual in front of him. He never really comments when Finn brings it up. MAYBE HE NEVER HAD 'THE TALK'. I mean, he was an orphan. Such a deprived child D:
It's called puberty, Aerrow. HAVE FUN FOR THE NEXT FOUR OR SO YEARS.
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