Title: Wondering Fandom: One Piece Characters: Zoro x Sanji Prompt: 40-So Close Word Count: 318 Rating: PG Warnings/Spoilers: None Summary: Sanji keeps thinking about it. A/N: Takes place after the almost-kiss in episode 226
Very awesome!!! You got their banter insanely IC! Incredible!
What are you you doing up this hour? You live abroad or night job? Cause if you have a messenger and want to chat sometime in these early hours that'd be cool.
Re: EeeYEEee!cuethe_pulseMay 30 2010, 08:04:47 UTC
Thank ye! :)
Pfft, nah, I just stay up late. Especially since I've made a bad habit out of sleeping during the day. But sure, chatting would be fun. (Regular chatting or, like, RPing or something? RPing totally isn't my guilty pleasure or anything...) I have AIM, technically, I'm just never on. >.> I doubt I even remember my password, so I might just come up with something new...
Comments 11
What are you you doing up this hour? You live abroad or night job? Cause if you have a messenger and want to chat sometime in these early hours that'd be cool.
Pfft, nah, I just stay up late. Especially since I've made a bad habit out of sleeping during the day. But sure, chatting would be fun. (Regular chatting or, like, RPing or something? RPing totally isn't my guilty pleasure or anything...) I have AIM, technically, I'm just never on. >.> I doubt I even remember my password, so I might just come up with something new...
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