Title: "Blankets and Spies and Little White Lies"
Author: Little Red
Rating: PG
Category: pants!verse Sam/Jack
Spoilers: None. Set in season 6.
Summary: The usual cuddling and silly angst.
Author's Note: I have been sadly neglecting the pants!verse. As per usual, Tammy enabled me.
little white lies )
Comments 47
Bah, even though my caffine-induced headache, I love this muchly <3! :D
Select your brand of tea appropriately.
*devours fic, like a starved cat*
*grumbles* It's not long enough.
And it's kinda angsty. *pokes Sam and Jack* you're not supposed to be angsty here. You're... supposed to be all cute. And Jonas! There was Jonas! Who totally knows that Sam was curled up on the couch still.
YAY!! We must needs save the squeee!
*grumbles* It's not long enough.
Aww. *pets* I thought so, too. However, all my longer pants-verse fics... and longer *anything* fics... never get done. If I can't write it all in one breath before falling asleep, all bets are off ;) And given my rather intermittent nap-style of sleep, this is a challenge for anything longer than this!
Clearly, I have to work on... perseverence? Is that the buzzword for this? My mother always called it "stick-to-it-ive-ness", but I think she made that one up. *shrugs*
And it's kinda angsty. *pokes Sam and Jack* you're not supposed to be angsty here. You're... supposed to be all cute.I KNOW!! IT IS DRIVING ME BONKERS! I keep starting pants!verse fics with the intention of unadulterated squeee and I swear the brats get maudlin ON THEIR OWN every single time. Maybe if I make them even shorter I can get away with pure squeee by not giving them a chance to get annoying? *mutters* I am seriously in danger of losing my Fluff Fic ( ... )
The word is stamina, I think. Not sure. I sometimes have it and I sometimes don't.
There should indeed be more fluff.
*looks at muse* Well?
Love it. Love you!
Tammy wins. She said that people would wonder where the porn was. I was all "But this isn't really heading in the direction of porn, is it?"
Apparently, it's always a good time for pr0n.
Maybe if I give them pr0n they will stop being angsty? ... yeah, didn't think so.
And this! So cute! But yes, moderately angsty. Which is okay, because you know, the pants!verse is all about beautiful, happy, squee-full denial with moments ohmygodwhatarewedoing?!?!
the pants!verse is all about beautiful, happy, squee-full denial with moments ohmygodwhatarewedoing?!?!
EXACTLY! I just need to start catching Sam and Jack in the squee-full denial moments a bit more often :) Oh, and the moments when they're doing second-base pr0n with pants on.
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