I have enjoyed DM thus far overall, but it is not the quality of her previous books. I am only...I think 6 chapters or less from finishing and all LKH has managed to cover in 300+ pages is Anita's pregnancy and OH LOOK she has even more unbelievable and impossible-like powers that have been discovered. Oh and what do you know, Anita has fallen into a pit of dispair and almost killed Damian AGAIN! Only this time she almost dragged Nathanial down with her.
Richard is confused about whether to be a jerk or be reasonable.
Two (or was it more like 3 or 4?) more people have "fallen" for Anita and the only person that doesn't bother her is the Master of the City of Chicago. WTF? Everyone else it not okay, but Auggie is okay? I'm not lost, no not at all.
So currently I am trying to figure out how the Mother of Darkness will play into all this within the next few chapters since she showed up way earlier in the book, threatened everyone, did the "I'll be back thing" and has yet to show up again and the book is almost done. I know it gets resolved because I read the last 2 pages of the book. But how?! So unless she decides to nap for awhile longer, I don't see how the trio will get rid of her. She's supposed to be more powerful than (oh lets see) every vampire in the world and you mean to tell me little Anita somehow gets rid of her?
And what about the vampire ballet? They were making such a huge deal about that in a few chapters and now it's like that has been belittled.
I think what disappoints me about the book is that in 300+ pages most of the story has taken place in the basement of the Circus of the Damned (either in the bathroom or the bedroom). First 3 chapters was at AB's house. The last chapter I read took place at the hospital...but otherwise it has all been at CotD. No crime solving in this book. Just a "oh look what I can turn AB's character into" and "lets see how much sex I can shove into this book." It didn't bother me in the least before, but I agree with Edward on this one - it's just boring now.
Well back to work.
And I need more sleep because I can't be this cranky in the mornings anymore. I blame this on Edward's ever so violent twitches whenever the cat manages to just breathe on him in a wrong way.