Character Information
Name: Shiranui Genma
Age: 31
Gender: male
Sexuality: Heterosexual, emphasis on the sexual. Also has been called "oversexed horndog"
By his demeanor, you'd never know it, but Shiranui Genma is actually a pretty good ninja. He's strong, fast, but most especially smart. It's his mind, more than his physical abilities, that have kept him alive so far. He is better at being sneaky than at being kickass, though he can and WILL lay the smackdown if you push too far.
He's better at ranged than at hand-to-hand combat - keeping hidden knives, throwing needles and at least two handguns on him at all times. His aim is good, and his quickness on the draw is better. If pushed to hand-to-hand, he likes to use use knives. He's good with knives.
Before he was a ninja, Genma was a hacker, and this shows itself in his skillset. He's particularly good at information-gathering missions, and even on more violent ones will do a lot of pre-work to smooth his way. He'd rather take over a hotel's security system so he can pump poison gas into a target's room than kill all a target's guards, break into the room, and assassinate the man more personally. So what if others mock him as cowardly, or lazy?
That's just the way he works. Plus he is a bit lazy.
Genma is known primarily not for his ninja skills, but for his incredible luck with women. He likes women, and women like him, and this mutual admiration is frequently expressed loudly. In bed. Part of his secret is approaching only women who seem conquerable in the first place - women who only want as much as he does, a one-night stand or three nights at most. His job doesn't make a lasting relationship feasible, which he doesn't mind very much. He's also never dated someone else in his line of work. THAT could become too serious, too fast.
This playboy attitude masks two deeper, very important facets to him. As a ninja, though he may keep up a running patter of jokes, he is very efficient, focused, and careful. He knows he could be killed by any number of factors, ranging from other ninjas to accidents, and is desirous of preventing that outcome as long as he can.
The other secret he hides is that deep down, Shiranui Genma is a GEEK. Oh, such a geek. Though he shoves it all into his "special room" when he brings female company over, Genma spends most of his cash on such things as the latest in gaming technology, card games, figurines, and anime/sci-fi/fantasy DVDs and books. He has accounts on message-boards dedicated to discussing series, ships, and video games - he writes console-RPG FAQs - and he bounces his Internet hookup through three satellites and then through the backdoor of a different ISP every week so that no one can ever link him to senbon_biter, zer0co0l, @c!dburn, or any of his other SN.
Shiranui Genma. Playboy, ninja, geek. Each layer deeper than the last.
Dark-blond hair, light brown eyes, and fairly pale skin. He's more lithe than built. Even as a less fighting-prone ninja than most, Genma's job is enough to keep him in top physical condition. He's known as a bit of a clotheshorse, careful to turn out stylish and sleek when he goes out, but would in reality prefer jeans and a sweatshirt, which is what he wears - hood up - whenever he goes to buy his usual stash. (there's that sekrit!geekiness cropping up again)
There's usually something in his mouth, be it lollipop, stick-candy, pencil, or senbon.
Genma wouldn't tell this for the world, but as a child he was actually a bit of a wimp. Things changed when he hit puberty - and gained a somewhat absent-minded old man as a mentor, who taught him things that ended up being ninja-training. Genma just thought it was really intensive martial arts and problem-solving techniques. ("So say you have a man trapped in a room. Five armed guards, no vents, no windows. How do you get him out?")
He graduated high school, attended college, had a normal life on paper. It was just that the hours spent learning how to kill a man five different ways in any given situation were not on paper. He could have been an employee in some IT firm, but found that taking missions paid better and was more fun. And had more flexible hours.
No one in Genma's childhood and family had any known connections to ninja-life; and as he doesn't talk much to them, they still mostly don't. He keeps the two sides of his life, as he thinks of them, firmly delineated.
His romantic entanglements last one night usually. It is not uncommon for him to forget names as soon as they leave.
Knows no one personally in the ninja world.
None really, except to continue his lifestyle the way it is. Without complications.
Genma rides a motorcycle because he believes he is cursed to always have horrible luck with automobiles. Sekrit!geek, as mentioned.