Hatsu-kun, here's your fanart requests...

Apr 30, 2008 13:20

Yes, I totally forgot to post your request art, Hatsu-kun. Here's your MukuroxTsuna fanart that you requested before. Happy birthday to you!

I am terribly sorry if the art does not meet with your 'taste', haha, I HARDLY draw these days since last February...

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mukuro, fanart, 6927, tsuna

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Comments 7

eien_no_kaze May 23 2008, 15:10:37 UTC
If by PinkBoss you mean the one with Hibari asking Tsuna to call him "Kyoya", then I have it. But it's not 6927, only 1827.


shiranui_kai May 23 2008, 15:40:46 UTC
You have? Thank you! Yeah, I think that's the one. Gotta find the one with 6927 then. I bought it but sadly I don't understand the whole words they say.


eien_no_kaze May 23 2008, 15:58:00 UTC

This is the 1827 one. So there is a 6927 one out there?


shiranui_kai May 23 2008, 16:20:36 UTC
Yes, the Pinkboss doujin has two parts, 1827 and 6927. I want to scan it but everytime I scan the doujin, it just doesn't work. Wish I could...


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