Bunnies Looking for Homes!

May 02, 2006 12:53

Here are six new “shirebunnies”, plus four donated bunnies! There are absolutely no strings or restrictions on “shirebunnies”. It's all right to change them completely, use different characters, any genre, any rating... they're simply offered in the hopes of inspiring ideas.

To be archived at shirebunnies

1. Movie-bunny. When Frodo runs to Pippin in the Prancing Pony, trips, and ends up with the Ring on his finger, what are Merry and/or Sam’s reactions to this event? How about Pippin’s? How do the hobbits know where Strider has taken Frodo, and where do they get the “weapons” they’re carrying when they burst into the room?

2. When Frodo awakens in Rivendell, he is given "garments of green cloth that fitted him excellently”. Where did these garments come from? The hobbits stayed in Rivendell for two months; did they all get new clothes? If so, from whom? What were they like? Were the clothes Elvish in appearance, or very hobbit-like?

3. The Watcher in the Water attacks Frodo and no one else - as does the Orc chieftain inside Moria. Frodo was also the only one struck with an arrow during the attack on the River. No one really talks about this series of events, but surely someone (perhaps Frodo himself) thinks about it…

4. We know how overjoyed Gimli was to see Pippin and Merry at Isengard after he, Legolas, and Aragorn had pursued them for so long, because he burst out in a tirade of rage and joy. But what was Legolas thinking? How about Aragorn? Just because they don’t speak at the Gate doesn’t mean they’re unmoved at seeing the hobbits again.

5. As the Quest wore on, Sam began to see, now and then, Frodo shining with light. This says as much about the true essence of Frodo as the evolving and deepening perceptions of Sam. Write a scene where Sam is talking about what he’s seen to someone he feels might understand him. Does he talk with Gandalf? Aragorn? Elrond? Rosie? Frodo? Someone else?

6. Merry and Pippin were present at Théoden’s funeral, and also Éomer’s. Did they discuss this? What changes did they find in Rohan in the many years since they had been there? Were they present as the next king of Rohan was proclaimed? Did Merry swear fealty to him, as well?

bunny donated by Elanor Silmariën

Movie-verse: In The Two Towers, as Merry and Pippin prepare to leave Fangorn forest after the Ent Moot, Pippin talks of going home, and Merry describes terrible things going on in the Shire, and ends with the statement "There won't be a Shire, Pip!" How would he know this? Does this knowledge affect his urgency in getting the Ents to go to war?

bunnies donated by endaewen

1. For those of you who've read The Adventures of Tom Bombadil: In the preface it gives origins for several of the poems, alleging that they were written by Bilbo, Frodo and Sam. What inspired them to write those poems?

2. The archives in Minas Tirith seem to have been rather neglected (at least in the images in "The Fellowship of the Ring"). With Rivendell being such a place of learning, it is doubtful that the libraries there would be in the same state. Aragorn was likely raised with a great respect for the proper treatment of manuscripts, scrolls, and books. How would he have reacted seeing the state of the archives in his new city?

bunny donated by rabidsamfan

Just why did Frodo have Merry Brandybuck - who wasn’t even a proper tween yet - as his only helper the day after Bilbo vanished from the Shire? And just how did all those grownup hobbits take being bossed by a lad when Frodo disappeared into his study?
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