Title: The Hard Way
Author: shiroakuma
Pairings: HayaRyu, RyuRen, YamatoRen
Genre: angst, romance
Rating: nc-17
Disclaimer: Do not own anyone or any of their lovely body parts…
Note: My first Fanfic and my grammar is not all that bright
Summary: With no Yankumi to bring them back together, Hayato and Ryu must go through the hard way to renew and refine
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Comments 16
I'm enjoying Hayato's remarks. Entertaining xD
will be looking forward for the next chapter..
thanks for sharing
Thnx a lot for commenting n will start on the next one soon!
Thanks for sharing!
**Hugs you!**
I wasnt sure whether to make Ren's situation prority or stick with HayaRyu side, decided on this version after all. =))
U r welcome hun, n thnx for the comment!
this is really nearing its end...i can't believe it!!
i'm so excited and sad for the next chapter...
Thnx for sticking with me n commenting and hope to see u enjoy the last part as well!
i can't just let this beautifully written fic go to waste without even reading a single word from it!!!@_@
I know what u mean, it is real fun writing about the four of them where they werent together even in the movie. but i will try to end nicely without going in over my head XD
thnx a lot for the comment!
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