Since I'd assume my previous entry has dropped off the bottom of all but the most antisocial of people's friends lists I will give the answers to the clues, with comments.
1. Pink shirts may conceal your action figure alter-ego but distract from the meaningful moral message at the end of the show.
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe although I do believe the remake has Prince Adam with a better fashion sense and no educational message.
2. A feminists equivalent to #1, she should have been fighting to rid the world of her awful subtitle.
She-Ra: Princess of Power I suppose this one depended solely on knowing the answer to clue No.1.
3. You'd think it would be easy to pick three Marvel superheroes but no they could only find two and had to make up one of their own.
Spiderman and his Amazing Friends Firestar was created for this show but later was put into the New Mutants comic book and eventually ended up in the Avengers.
4. Whereas older more obscure comic book heroes need as much help as they can get, obviously from the next generation.
Defenders of the Earth I didn't make this easy, why all these heroes felt they had to bring their kids with them is a mystery left to the Eighties.
5. For something that people try never to open, things always conspire against you. Usually something distracting is wiggling in the background.
Trapdoor While this claymation series was short, they made the most of all shots with left over materials.
6. A space western, the bad guy always seemed more intersting than the hero despite his appalling rhyming name.
Bravestarr I can actually remember little else about this series than in the clue.
7. Why do you need the hero when the sidekick can smother the enemy with the volume of stuff found in his robe, ah yes it is for the bulletproof wings.
Batfink This threw most people, are bulletproof wings that common?
8. Combining two animals together was odd enough, then having them live in a city style setting yet on a tropical island was even odder.
The Wuzzles Or the show Disney gave up with, there were next to no episodes made of this.
9. Take one hit tv show and put the chracters in ridiculous situations creates an odd show that even Mrs C would look down on.
Fonz and the Happy Days Gang The obvious clue was Mrc C. but this license didn't work in the slightest.
10. Or even take an actor from a hit tv show, give him a team of gymnasts and add in ridiculous situations. They must have paid a lot of gold chains for him to agree to that.
Mr. T The gold chains was an easy clue, at least the show was better than the last one.
11. Are mad plants taking over the universe? What you need is a set of laser equipped construction vehicles to follow your father.
Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors My original clue of "Why would a mutant plant sound like a head lumberjack?" was rejected as too abstract but the bad guy was called Saw-Boss.
12. Spin offs from movie trilogies usually involve the lead characters, but I suppose the comic relief gave more options.
Droids I thought this was too vague, even if people identified Star Wars they might not have got the bit about R2D2 and C3P0.
13. Or you could take the cute and fluffy route from the same films.
Ewoks Now I am being vague, but oddly I think identifying the Ewoks is easier if you know the films.
14. Speaking of cute and fluffy, how about a bear in a swamp with a ridiculous name.
Kissyfur Not a show I can remember much about, always thought it was a daft name for a bear though.
15. Of course some animals tend to have bizzre pink things with bent pipes for noses as neighbours.
The Raccoons I never did work out what Cyril and Cedric Sneer were meant to be.
16. Although some bent-pipe nosed creatures do have an excuse, they live underwater.
The Snorks This turned out to be easier than I thought.
17. Some shows change name as they cross the Atlanic, why one word was changed I don't know considering another is biologically incorrect in the UK. Ah well it did start a pet craze all over.
Teenage Mutant Ninja/Hero Turtles I deliberately made this awkward: Ninja was changed to Hero here for some reason and in the UK their species is called Terrapins and not Turtles. But whatever they were called they became the must have pet of the mid-Eighties.
18. Others serve to be an advert for things, why they needed Konami and Capcom's trademarks is still a mystery.
Captain N: The Game Master This adventure in Nintendoland featured both Megaman and Simon Belmont as main characters.
19. An animalistic take on an old novel and no Disney in sight? At least the main character carries the look better than Michael York.
Dogtanian and the Three Muskahounds The old novel and Michael York should lead to The three Muskateers
20. Some shows seem to be just to sell the merchandise, now we're back to cute and fluffy and the more you stare the more of them there seems to be.
Care Bears You could have got this from the fluffy and multiple but the subtle use of the word stare was important.
21. Some action figures were fully customisable, so long as the pieces didn't get lost, why else would you wear body armour that was full of holes?
Centurians Both on the show and the action figures the main characters were dressed in battle armour with holes in which various accessories were plugged in.
22. When you have an incredibly fat fairy and an evil tv wandering around is it any mystery why the blue narrator stayed in the tree?
Will O' The Wisp I actually had an annual of this from 1984 at one stage. This probably didn't get shown in the US. The narrator, the will o' the wisp of the title, was voiced by Kenneth Williams of the Carry On films.
23. The fifth Doctor Who wrote the theme music, but why did the cutlery want to go into space in the first place?
Button Moon Probably another British only show, the trivia is correct and the main character was called Mr Spoon.
24. Giving out your real name and address at the start of every show does wonders at hiding your secret identity, and where did the talking crow come from?
Bananaman This is 29, Acacia Road. And this is Eric, the schoolboy who leads an exciting double life. For when Eric eats a banana, an amazing transformation occurs. Eric is Bananaman.
25. As if by magic the clue to this dull person with a vivid imagination appears.
Mr Benn Mr Benn lived out his fantasies at the fancy dress hire shop, and as if by magic the shopkeeper always appeared.
26. Why was the policeman upside down? And did this wondrous tool ever need new batteries?
Jamie and the Magic Torch I doubt this one ever left the UK and was probably too early for anyone from the UK reading this to remember. If it had been shown in the US they'd have changed torch to flashlight.
27. Was there anything to Nanny above the green and white stockings? I don't think these reworked characters ever found out.
Muppet Babies When this was first shown the UK channel that did so ran a competition to draw what the top half of Nanny actually looked like.
28. Animation doesn't have to be good to be memorable, although at times it was hard to tell which of the yellow or the purple ones was the cat and which the dog.
Roobard and Custard Very low budget show, probably not seen in the US, but funny.
29. Everyone got junior versions in the eighties, even forty storey green lizards were no exception.
Godzilla The junior version was called Godzuki.
30. Who can fathom aliens, apparently a stuffed toy is best suited to saving the world.
SuperTed I could have elaborated more but this proved easy enough as it was.
31. Can an ordinary road be interesting? well Long Distance Clara tended to stay fairly close to it.
Pigeon Street I didn't think anyone would get this without a named character, it turns out that didn't help either. I don't know if this ever made it to the US.
32. Faded celebrities looking for a new start in life, how about becoming a detective. There is no height restriction which is good considering you are only six inches high.
Chp n' Dale Rescue Rangers No-one seemed to pay attention to the faded celebrities (plural) part.
33. Since when does a vet have time to build a rocket, or indeed travel around on a pogstick crossed with an umbrella?
Dr. Snuggles This was early, odd and I have no idea if it was seen in the US
34. For a small aeroplane with a decent engine, the main character always seemed rather fat.
Jimbo and the Jetset British animation, this got some odd guesses considering I said the main character was a small fat plane.
35. Apparently Americans had Alec Baldwin narrate while the UK put up with Ringo Starr. Was the Fat Controlled knighted in the US or was he even fat?
Thomas the Tank Engine Since I gave a character, at least in the UK version, and the narrator's name this probably wasn't too hard.
36. A lesson on how to make the King of the Elephants and his family seem exceedingly dull.
Babar This is either of French or Canadian origin and I think it is dull. The king of the elephants didn't leave many alternatives either way.
37. If the science in your world is forcibly replaced by sorcery why not take on an old enemy by turning into a holographic animal?
Visionaries: Knights of the Magical Light This is more or less a summary of how the series started.
38. Despite having the oddest hair on any puppets, some of which changed colour as an episode progressed, the only thing people remember about this show is the noughts and crosses/tic-tac-toe match at the end.
Terrahawks The main villain seemed to use Einstein as the basis for her hairstyle. The good guys had round ball robots on their side, the enmies cubes with a glowing cross hence the game at the end.
39. Was this before or after the Land Before Time, apart from the names things were so similar that someone could be done for breach of copyright.
Dink, the Little Dinosaur I saw something that I thought was this show, after it went on for ages I found out it was Land Before Time VI.
40. Whereas we all know that the best place for prehistoric creatures is modern America where only a few select adolecents know of their existence.
Denver, the Last Dinosaur Potentailly my biggest mistaken clue, this was the only one of its type that was shown in the UK but may have had other possibilities from the US.
41. It may have only been made to sell the expensive talking toys but what was the caterpillar thing supposed to be?
Teddy Ruxpin possibly the worst show in the history of animation.
42. Making robots to save the world is a great idea, giving them an inbuilt screen so you can watch the TV when they are not is a work of genius.
Telebugs Another early British effort so it isn't surprising it was not solved.
43. Despite being successful, if high-pitched, recording artists they don't show much trappings of wealth. Maybe Dave is embezzling all the money in a secret Swiss bank account.
Alvin and the Chipmunks The above is just something that always bothered me about this show.
44. If Emily loved him so much why didn't she buy him instead of leaving him in the shop?
Bagpuss British puppet show, Emily was only mentioned in the credits as loving Bagpuss and was never seen in the show itself.
45. An ancient tale updated to space. I can't remember if they ever got the floating people back down permanantly.
Ulysses 31 The tale was the Odessey, after defying someone Ulysses' crew was placed in suspended animation and oddly floated above the floor until he paid penance.
46. Where would we be without acronyms? Without this show where ordinary people are empowered to do extraordinary things by their headgear for one.
M.A.S.K. (Mobile Armored Strike Kommand, yes the K is cheating) The characters all had normal jobs until contacted to foil the latest exploits of V.E.N.O.M. (Vicious Evil Network Of Mayhem.)
47. The scariest thing about these little blue people was not their TV show, but that a Dutch recording artist calling himself Father Abraham released several records with them.
The Smurfs I think people got the little blue people reference, and not the record one, or at least I hope so.
48. The only thing worse than a show about friendly animal children is a show about friendly animal children with an incredibly irritating theme song.
The Get-Along Gang I can't remember much about this show other than there was a moose in it and I despised the theme tune which got under your skin.
49. If the lead enemy could only be defeated by seeing his reflection why did only the main character have a reflective surface to hand?
Thundercats The character is question is Mumm-Ra and considering they knew his weakness they were never armed for it except for Lion-O's Sword.
50. Crossing a mountain border between countries is a lot more fun if you have a big white dog for company.
Belle and Sebastian A charming tale of a boy who crosses the Pyranees, with the help of a pyranees mountain dog, from France into Spain. Why I can't remember.
51. It seems there is more peril in the life of a stunt driver than just that found behind the wheel.
Pole Position Despite the name of this show they were not racers but stunt drivers and as usual secret agents on the side.
52. The supernatural is easier in cartoons than film, but why the first target as sidekick?
The Real Ghostbusters In the film Slimer was the first ghost captured, in the cartoon he was the mascot.
53. Why else would you want someone blowing your thistle whistle?
Family Ness Since this British show had two children who would summon one of the Family Ness using their thistle whistles you either knew it or you didn't.
54. You'd think the good guys would be miffed the bad guys got the jets while they put up with the land based vehicles.
Transformers The Decepticons were at so much of a advantage, they could have easily changed continent and succeeded at their plans without interference.
55. I was never sure if this was a spin off or a rip off of the above. At least everyone seemed to be vehicles this time.
Gobots After further checking this was a rip-off, a malignant scooter didn't seem as scary though.
56. Destined for the reject bin? Sometimes it isn't clear why this show wasn't.
The Raggydolls British animation that I didn't like obviously, based on the rejects from a doll factory coming to life.
57. What would you do if a fairground ride dumped you in another world, and you got the crap magic weapon?
Dungeons and Dragons Since you could get this from the original opening credits I don't think it was too hard.
58. Ooh Eck, is Baker Street ever that empty and what happens when the postman comes to collect the mail?
Dangermouse Adventures of a tiny secret agent who lives in a postbox on Baker Street with a sidekick who says things like "Ooh Eck."
59. The interlocking space robot aside, what was the furry thing that guarded the princess supposed to be?
Star Fleet Puppet show that beat other combining robot ideas to the punch. Princess Lamia had a very odd bodyguard though.
60. If he was supposed to be a reporter why didn't we ever see him writing, is Snowy a pathetic name for a white dog and why was the opening shouted?
HERGE'S ADVENTURES OF TINTIN!! Another Belgian creation, the biggest hint was me naming his dog.
61. Does M.A.D. clone its agents or do they come from very large families because it seems like there are only about five different ones in total.
Inspector Gadget It was like the artist could only draw a few character models, I think it was to show easily who was the enemies before they even said anything.
62. Are the children of the sun supposed to use the medallions to find them, or to destroy them?
Mysterious Cities of Gold They were supposed to be finding them but they tended to destroy them as the adventure progressed, this show needs to be repeated; or possibly shown in the US for the first time.
63. Considering the cost of his van against the number of deliveries he makes he's not very cost effective.
Postman Pat He did only seem to make about three deliveries a day.
64. Wealth can bring all sorts of adventures for young nephews, but a miser should have realised that boarding school is more cost effective.
Duck Tales Well how many other anmiations have a rich miser with young nephews?
65. When following a recipe it is imperitave that the correct ingredients are used, otherwise it may be unsuitable for vegetarian palettes even in Transylvania.
Count Duckula This refers both to the opening and the concept of vegetarian vampire.
66. A famous ensemble cast should not be sent on wild goose chases.
Yogi's Treasure Hunt I know this didn't give enough of a clue to get the answer without a lucky guess.
67. I'm sorry but Heart isn't an element.
Captain Planet They had too many continents and not enough elements, unfortunately they forgot America is one continent on its own and Australia counts as the fifth.
68. If aliens are smart enough to build an intergalactic school there is no way it would end up with an American style educational structure.
Galaxy High Unfortunately the makers of this show thought otherwise, or just didn't think at all.
69. I never did work out why they had wings, nor why the little one only bleeped. it might have been in space but the name was odd as well.
Battle of the Planets or G-Force or Eagle Riders This had several names and none fitted paticularly well. I think it was originally Japanese and the source material is definitely seventies and not eighties. So I cheated on one.
70. Considering the knights are inept how did the kingdom defend itself before the bouncing ones got involved?
Gummi Bears The knights should have given the setting and the bouncing the title.
Overall people replied with 42 correct answers which is 60%, but considering that 20% were that awkward or limited to early British screenings I doubt anyone would have got them.
Hopefully this has peaked your interest in some shows from the period and you wish to find out more.