*Starting time: 11:25 AM
*Date: July 20, 2005
*Name: Anzu
*Age: 16
*Birthday: August 18
*Eye color: Blue
*Hair: Brown
*Shoe size: My shoes are shoe sized. :|
*Brother/sisters: Chii. I also have friends who might as well be siblings. ♥
*Who lives with you: Mom, Dad, Chii, Doggy, and Kitty.
-------------HAVE YOU EVER-------------
Been so drunk you blacked out?: Never.
Missed school because it rained?: Only once, and that wasn't so much that it rained, but that it rained and I slipped going down the drive and cut up my hands and legs.
Put a body part on fire for amusement?: No!
Been hurt emotionally: Yes.
Kept a secret from everyone: Yes.
Had an imaginary friend: Hm.
Cried during a movie? Many times.
Had a crush on a teacher: A little one, yeah.
Had a New Kids on the Block tape: No.
Cut your own hair: Nope.
Laughed at someone with mental/physical disabilities: No.
Slept with sum1 when they were seein sum1 else: No!
Been sick of yourself: Yes.
Regretted doing sumthing: Quite a few things.
Had a tattoo: No.
Slept with a relative? I've slept in the same bed as a relative, but that's not what you're asking, is it? No. That's gross.
Did you have to think about that question? No. o.o
Been caught doing sumthing you'd rather keep private?: Yeeeah. But it's not anything like the last survey was asking.
Shampoo: Right now it's the tangerine scented kind. :3
Color: Blue
Day/night: Day.
Summer/winter: Summer, but there is something romantic about the winter.
Lace/satin: Satin.
Cartoon characters: Zim.
Food: Ahh...
Ice Cream: Mint chocolate chip. ^^
Subject: English.
Fav person to talk to online: Yuugi and Kaiba, because they're the only ones I talk to online.
-------------RIGHT NOW------------------
What are you wearing: A tyedye shirt and blue shorts.
Feeling: Hungry.
Drinking: Slim fast. >.o
Thinking about: Lots of things...
Listening to: Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
Talking to: Myself.
Watching: The computer screen.
-----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN-----------------
Yourself: If I don't believe in myself I'll disappear! D:
Your friends: Of course.
Santa Claus: I saw him at the mall last Christmas, so he must be real.
Destiny/fate: Yes.
Angels: Yes.
Ghosts: Oh, definitely.
------------------FRIENDS AND LIFE---------------
Do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend: No.
Like anyone: No...
Who have you known the longest of your friends: Yuugi.
Who's the shyest: Yuugi.
Who's the weirdest: Kaiba. >D
Who do you go to for advice: Yuugi.
Who do you cry with: Yuugi and Chii.
What's the best feeling in the world?: I don't know...
Who else will fill this out? ...Don't know.
Do you like this person? o.O;
What time is it now? 11:37 AM