Stuff that was great:
◊ All the shows the boys ended up in, but especially the sitcom and the police procedural. I would genuinely watch the sitcom if the acting was that awkward, because deliberately bad acting fills my heart with gladness. ♥
◊ The opening credits! Tandem biking! THE SONG! &HARRRRRTS;
◊ That the motel room in reality and the sitcom had the same amazing wallpaper yet it looks totally transformed. Yay filters!
◊ Sam and STDs is becoming a thing, isn't it? STDs themselves aren't particularly funny to me, but man, that ad, that was.
◊ Beat-up Cas was glorious enough, the duct tape was really the cherry on top. Are my kinks showing?
◊ "Mr Trickster does not like pretty-boy angels."
◊ Richard Speight Jr.! It's always fun to see him, he owned this role before and continues to do so.
◊ Basically everything but the exposition at the end.
Stuff that was meh:
◊ I liked what they did with the mixing of fluffy laughs and dead seriousness in "I Believe the Children Are Our Future", but this week I had issues with pacing or something. To be fair, it's not exactly uncommon for an episode to kill time--in a thoroughly entertaining way--for the first thirty minutes and feature a heavy talky bit in the last ten. That sometimes works for me but this week I would've just as soon cut off half of Gabriel's speech.
◊ The parallel they're drawing between Dean and Sam and Michael and Lucifer is getting contrived, seriously. I'm on board with the comparison because yeah, funnily enough, it fits, but does Kripke honestly believe the viewer don't get it unless it's crammed down our collective throats that they were brothers just like Sam and Dean? Is it supposed to be more epic if the rift is framed in terms of big brother vs. baby brother? I feel like they were trying to push buttons they don't realize they'd successfully pushed weeks ago and that tends to make me cranky. Oh man, I can't believe I'm moaning about Supernatural underlining its message to death. Have the past four seasons taught me nothing? (No, they haven't.)
Not to end on a negative note, I ♥ this season.
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