First one, my birthday. In eleven more days, I turn 29. Woo. In eighteen more days, Derek no longer works for Chris! WOO HOO!!!
For those of you who care, I put my
PSYCHODIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT 3.00 Sternberg ---W--- 09:00a 11:50a
PSYCHODIAGNOSTIC ASSESSMENT LAB 0.00 Sternberg --T---- 12:00p 01:00p
ETHICS AND PROFESSIONAL 1.00 Ashing-Giw -M----- 03:30p 05:00p
INTERCULTURAL PROCESSESS 3.00 Brown, W. -M----- 12:30p 03:20p
ADVANCED PSYCHOPATHOLOGY 3.00 Kann, S ---W--- 12:30p 03:20p
CLINICAL INTERVIEWING I 3.00 Vaisman, R --T---- 09:00a 11:50a
SYSTEMS THEORY AND ASSESSMENT 3.00 Rapaport,T --T---- 01:00p 03:50p
behind the cut. Tuesdays are gonna drive me NUTS. I have to start looking for a few subjects who want to be interviewd and/or assessed, as I will have to start doing that stuff soon. It's cool though, because I will be building psychological profiles on people soon, which is what I wanted to get into in the very beginning. I was more than a little disillusioned when I found out that undergrad school isn't like that. Of course, it's looking like grad school may be easier than I imagined, though it will NOT be the life of Riley Finn! Come on, Buffy fans, y'all know that fucker NEVER went to classes!
I really like my Clinical Interviewing professor; I think that's going to be my favourite class. The professor gave us a lot of advice on getting through the course, and while he has an assigned book, it may not be one that we have to get. I'll most likely get it since reading helps me learn, and he said that we should get it if it would help us. He's very real though, and he told us that we should forget everything about undergrad school, since it's gonna be so different.