Trip was amazing. ♥ I got to meet Jared's cast and filled in for some of the people who didn't get to rehearsal. I was pretty much every GENtern in the first half of the movie, Luigi's coffee gofer (I got thrown against a wall!), and Single Mom. Besides that, everyone was saying that now I was a real member of the cast, which made me feel good. Jared and I got lots of cuddle time, which was good. I miss him ridiculous amounts now, though. Wish I could move up there, but my financial situation current says, "lulzno." Gah, eventually.
More news! Recently, Rocklove, the woman who made the official REPO! scalpel necklaces, came out with a new design--the Graverobber's Zydrate gun. Mine came in the mail Wednesday! ♥ She's doing 300 now of the eventual 1000 she's going to produce, so if you want one, order fast! Also, if you're not a Repofan, I'd suggest checking out her other stuff. Allison makes some gorgeous designs, and they're all sterling, no nickel added. This is one I have bookmarked for a present next holiday: but OMGGORGEOUS: a little pricey, but worth it:! exactly my style, but really pretty nonetheless: /shameless plug
Anyway, I put mine on the same chain my scalpel was on. They jingle together when I walk, and I feel like a cat with a bell collar. Pretty, though. I just hope the chain can support both of them. I hope she does a series--Pavi's mirror next? Or maybe something of Shilo's, like a small version of her cameo?
Oh, I almost forgot why I originally started a new entry. XD The other night, the boyfriend was working on his homework--senior year of high school; I feel like such a cradle robber!--and asked me to write him a poem, just a little something to critique. Now, I write poetry sometimes, but generally only when I'm angry, and it ends up being more of stream of consciousness broken funny into lines than anything really poetic. But, I gave it a whirl. He read it over, got a surprised look, and said, "Wow. You're a poet." Of course, then he added, "And I didn't even know it," since that's him, but apparently he thought it was good. I still think it's sort of shit, but...well, LJ, give me critiques? I think there's potential there, but I'd like to make it much better.
Waiting is always hardest when
You know things are wrong.
Why am I here, and not there?
Here is far away, quiet and harmless...
There is nothing here.
Courage is jumping into the abyss,
Spreading arms wide as the wind whips around
You, taking the chance that you may die
But knowing you will end up fuller for the experience.
So jump. Leave here. Go there.
See him
Or her
Or it or them--
Just remember:
Courage is taking the first step.