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Apr 06, 2011 08:59


I just happened to bring up "Flame of Recca" and "Get Backers" on my FB and twitter and I didn't expect so many people still liked that seriesssss.
It's one of those . . . super-long epic battle with trillion characters series with badass weapons and super-powers.
Of course.

Lengthy battle manga with a lot of characters need the right type of formula to make it actually work. I personally would call it the "RPG formula" if I had to give it a name. RPGs tend to have A LOT of characters and you just have to collect characters/interact with them and then create a final team for your ultimate boss battle. . . which tends to be your rival you encounter in chapter one.

- You need DISTINCTIVELY different looking characters. All characters will need some sort of different personality or an OBVIOUS regalia/super power.
- Your main party of characters will almost always consist of 1 hero, 1 side kick, 1 healer/supporting character, 1 smart dude, 1 mysterious character, 1 girl (or a dude that looks like a chick), 1 ex-enemy that joins your team but insists he/she is not on your side.
- Each battle has a meaning. Usually someone in your team is in a miserable situation, the world is coming to an end, or you face a battle with yourself.
- It has to be set in a world where the law of physics has a GOOD REASON to be broken. "JUST CUZ I SAID SO" is a very common reason. :D
- Always throw in scenes where you can have fans create some sort of "relationship" between the Hero x EVERYONE (or vice versa). The hero needs to always be the fandom's red bicycle.
- HAVE A LOT OF PATIENCE. Each character will need an introductory scene, an explanation scene and a cue-exit-stage-left scene.

With this formula. . . if you pass the. . . mmmm. . . 30 character mark, consider that manga to be successful. That will probably require around 50 chapters to fully introduce the character, their party and maybe the first few enemies so, that's about a year's worth of weekly comics. Most comic artists are dubbed successful once they pass the 1 year mark so. . . But to have the patience and the art ability will be up to the artist in the end.

La. That's just an idea I had last night. I wanna have a night where I sit down and just re-read all of the 30 something manga books. :D Or maybe I'll just rewatch the horribly animated series from the late 90s~early 2000s while working on stuff. I won't have to concentrate on the poor quality animation. XD

and going off topic but. . . →Pia-no-jaC← - Final Fantasy Arrangement is so amazing. I love his modern classical remixes too but it totally rocks. *^* He went out of the ordinary for "One Winged Angel"! T^Tb
Their other titles are pretty unique too. . . I personally really liked Disney's Electrical Parade arrangement (it's not Kaiba-land inclusive thankgod. lmao) and Zangetsu (not related to Bleach fyi. lol) They do a lot of random unique jazzy remixes for classical pieces too.
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