[Fanfiction] Beyond All Reason

Jul 31, 2012 22:17

Title: Beyond All Reason
Author: RayAnneliese [CrescentRay]
Characters/Pairings: Shirota Yuu x Aiba Hiroki, Katou Kazuki x TAKUYA
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: 50 prompts, 50 sentences
Warnings: -

#1 - [Ring]

Adachi had once asked why Shirota had never given him a ring of any kind, but Aiba just smiled and fingered the pendant hanging around his neck after Adachi left.

#2 - [Hero]

Shirota wanted to be 'Aiba-chan's hero!', and save him from all danger; Aiba whacked him with his rolled-up script and hissed that he wasn't a girl.

#3 - [Memory]

Aiba curled up on his bed, tugging a pillow close to his chest, inhaling the scent of his ex-lover and whispered, "Shirotan, I'm sorry; please come back."

#4 - [Box]

On October 1, Aiba opened his present: a small box with a key labelled 'Apartment 204' - Shirota's apartment - and a voucher for a month's supply of chocolate.

#5 - [Run]

The last show of Dream Live 3rd arrived, even when Aiba didn't want it to, afraid that Shirota would leave him and never return - Shirota's smile as they sand 'Run, Run, Run' proved him wrong.

#6 - [Hurricane]

The storm brewing was obvious, when, the day after Aiba and Shirota confirmed their relationship, the shorter of the two was wielding his hair iron like he would a sword.

#7 - [Wings]

Shirota knew that, in order to keep Aiba, he would have to mercilessly tear out the dancer's wings, so he let him go; in return, Aiba took them off, lay them down gently, and proceeded to thank Shirota for waiting for him for so long.

#8 - [Cold]

The moment Aiba shivered on the plane, other men and the stewardess came forward with coats and jackets, but it was Shirota whom he snuggled into for warmth.

#9 - [Red]

If there was one thing that Shirota Yuu would never forget, it was the sight of Aiba Hiroki's limp body sprawled on the road, eyes glazed and white shirt crimson.

#10 - [Drink]

It seemed that, just like Fuji Syuusuke, Aiba was the only one that could drink Arayan's juice and want more; Shirota was the exact opposite, but Aiba was always happy to nurse him back to health.

#11 - [Midnight]

"No, Shirota, there is no 'mysterious handsome boyfriend stealing bastard', so can you please not call me at three in the morning?!"

#12 - [Temptation]

Really, Shirota should have been awarded a Nobel Prize for not pouncing onto Aiba when the latter was rehearsing the Kira Kira Kira Dance.

#13 - [View]

Katou Kazuki was so fed up that Shirota was always in the way - he was so damned tall - that he took Aiba and made him sit on Shirota so that he could finally see TAKUYA.

#14 - [Music]

Both Katou and Shirota found it ridiculous, the way that Aiba and TAKUYA could start dancing everytime the music played, completely in sync.

#15 - [Silk]

It was all Shirota could do by not nosebleeding when Aiba emerged from the dressing room in a white silk top and black leather pants.

#16 - [Cover]

The moment Aiba finished his topless photoshoot, Shirota caught a hold of him and draped a blanket over his slim body.

#17 - [Promise]

The day that Hiroki decided he would stay with Yuu forever was when he received a call from Kazuki, telling him that Yuu had been waiting three hours for him in the snow, for a date that Hiroki had forgotten about.

#18 - [Dream]

The entire Tenimyu cast knew that Shirota was extremely against the Dream Pair, so they went around sourcing doujinshi for it, printing it out and pasting it around the studio.

#19 - [Candle]

While Kazuki preferred to take TAKUYA on extravagant dinners, and Zukki bringing Adachi to themeparks, Shirota and Aiba liked to eat popcorn in their bed, a small flame flickering next to them.

#20 - [Talent]

Shirota's talent was his voice, never going off-key nor breaking even when he was crying; Aiba, on the other hand, could dance his best even when tears were streaming down his face.

#21 - [Silence]

The truth was that Shirota could never shut up, but he always managed to, when Aiba was leaning against his chest in slumber.

#22 - [Journey]

After Dream Live 3rd, they would all have to go their own way, but even on their separate journey they all knew that the Perfect Pair would make it through.

#23 - [Fire]

When Aiba heard that the Watanabe building had caught fire, he dropped everything and ran, praying that his beloved was alright.

#24 - [Strength]

The one time that Shirota was truly impressed by Aiba was when the dance broke his leg, but pushed himself so hard that he came back to Tenimyu in two months.

#25 - [Mask]

He could still remember the day that Shirota finally managed to crack the mask that he wore, slowly bringing it down to reveal the real Aiba Hiroki.

#26 - [Ice]

Ever since the day he went into the Seigaku dressing room to find Aiba and Shirota trying to steal an ice cube from each other's mouth, Katou always knocked before entering.

#27 - [Fall]

Even though Shirota hated sweeping up the leaves during Fall, he did it again and again every year, just to let Aiba jump into the giant pile, laughing.

#28 - [Forgotten]

Every month, Aiba would go around to Shirota's house, just to catch a glimpse of the lover that had forgotten him.

#29 - [Dance]

There was something extremely familiar about the way that the brunette danced, Shirota mused to himself.

#30 - [Hope]

He didn't want to expect anything, but there wasn't much that he could do, other than to silently wish that the flicker he had seen in Shirota's eyes was recognition.

#31 - [Forever]

Shirota held his beloved close to his chest, whispering apologies and promises, and how, now that he had remembered, he would stay with him for all eternity.

#32 - [Body]

Katou Kazuki was never one for flowering language and romantic words, but even he had to admit that Shirota and Aiba, when they held each other, was a perfect fit.

#33 - [Farewells]

"Shirotan, I'm sorry for what I've done, for what I did and what I never did, but I'll make it up to you, so please, please don't leave me!"

#34 - [Sacred]

Inhaling sharply, Aiba arched his back, crying out in pleasure as Shirota continued running his lips down his body, worshipping.

#35 - [Formal]

He could remember when he first met Aiba's parents - formal though the meeting was, they made him kneel in the rain for three hours to prove his worth.

#36 - [Fever]

Laughing weakly, Shirota tried to convince his lover that he was fine as he lay in bed while trying to recover from his fever.

#37 - [World]

A kiss on his temple, a whisper or words, and Shirota was on the bed with an armful of eager Aiba - "You mean the world to me."

#38 - [Lies]

I don't understand why you keep lying to me Shirota Yuu; if you don't want anything else to do with me, then just leave."

#39 - [Talk]

Aiba thought that Shirota talked too much: his non-stop babbling always gave him a headache, but he still loved the dork all the same.

#40 - [Laugh]

The Tenimyu cast thought that Shirota laughed too much, the drok; they thought that Aiba didn't laugh enough.

#41 - [Overwhelmed]

For their first anniversary, Shirota sent Aiba on a mini hunt across the city, and at the end he was so overwhelmed that he burst into tears.

#42 - [Whisper]

Whenever Shirota was asleep, Aiba would lean down and brush his lips across those half-Spanish features, murmuring words of love.

#43 - [Wait]

When Shirota lay on the hospital bed, pale and cold, he told aiba that he'd be waiting for Aiba no matter how long he had to.

#44 - [Breathe]

Aiba smiled, sitting in an armchair he used to share with Shirota, and closed his eyes as he took his last breath, leaving the world silently.

#45 - [Search]

Throwing his arms around his petite lover, Shirota welcomed Aiba to Paradise, finally ending their search for the pure, unadultered happiness that they could have together.

#46 - [Eclipse]

Aiba sighed, rubbing his temples as he wondered how his boyfriend had managed to drag him to watch the third installment of the Twilight series.

#47 - [Gravity]

"If I jumped, and I wanted you to follow, would you jump after me?"; "I'd be the one waiting at the bottom, arms outstretched and ready to catch you."

#48 - [Lock]

There was an awkward silence after Katou burst out, shouting and cursing at Shirota to lock the 'goddamned fucking door'.

#49 - [Highway]

Clinging onto the half-Spanish man, Aiba hid his face and screamed wen Shirota deliberately lifted the front wheel of the bike and sped down the highway.

#50 - [Unknown]

They didn't know what was out there, and they didn't know what problems they would have to face together, but they knew that no matter what life decided to throw at them, they'd get through it - together.

I find it ridiculous that I only watched Tenimyu a month ago, and that when I found this, the community is... Well, deserted. -cries forever-

Oh well. I shall find those few fans left scattered around the world.


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