Codename: Liquid Snake
Real Name: Unknown (I think we're going with James? I dunno.)
Age: 33 (as of his death)
D.O.B.: ??/??/1972
Birthplace: Unknown
Nationality: British
The Pain
honeyherder- COVERED IN BEES. Not that bad of a guy, but please stop looking at me all creepy-like. Talked to him about boxes, clones, and being a part of a group of crazy people.
Old Big Boss
endlesswarfare- Still hates him. alsdfj, not inferior.
Toon Snake
tiny_legend- Tiny future brother! Is laughing too much to kill him.
Post-MGS2 Raiden
stillzprettiest- Kid with the weird codename who told him to talk to Otacon.
Revolver Ocelot
silverrevolver- Ocelot! Told him about the multiple Solid Snakes and the three Big Bosses. Not very helpful.
push_my_glasses- Liquid's existence confuses him and Liquid still doesn't get the whole time paradox thing. Thanks, Otacon D:
Cyborg Ninja Raiden
headnspine- Confusion. Won't tell him about the arm incident.
Hideo Kojima
chibikojima- Had a conversation about butchering genetics and why you gotta hate me, Kojima? D:
Gray Fox
greygayfox- Accidentally told him that he stepped on him with REX.
Ryan Payton
x_is_option- Fellow person who my father probably hates more than I do! Has no issues with the control scheme because he's not arm!Liquid and took the time to try it out.
Sniper Wolf
guesstheaccent- Fellow FOXHOUNDer! Helped her find some of her pills. Talked to her about being in Ocelot's arm later.
Gigaville!Psycho Mantis
pk_patricide- Yet another FOXHOUNDer. Got zapped by him after being an asshole and mentioning FoxDie.
Pre-death cyborg ninja Gray Fox
incanesco- Didn't talk much to him.
Meryl Silverburgh
imnorookie- Stupid woman!
otacon14112- Told Liquid about the Liquid Ocelot thing, yaoi, and invited him to the Otacon-con. Liquid flirted with him and during the Otacon-con, got fondled by him. Got into a fight with one of the Snakes because of it.
Old Snake
oldbox- Almost gets killed by him, learns about the cellular degeneration, and makes a truce with him so that Snakes don't kill Liquid.
Roy Campbell
green_frequency- EVIL PERSON WHO MESSED WITH MY BOX. haaaaaate you so much.
Solid Snake
legendarysolid- Kicked my box, talked about the arm thing, annoyed him with the fact Otacon talks to me, tells him old!Big Boss is lurking around, and he tells me I have the dominant genes. Later meets in Octopus's intro post and get into a fight over Otacon. Ends up having to stitch him up. Is not going to backstab him with a needle.
Decoy Octopus
dopplegangster- Talked to him about the place, helped annoy Snake, and believes I am gay and had sex with Otacon.
Vulcan Raven
carrioncannon- FELLOW SOLDIER AGAINST SHIRTS! :D Totally confused him with the whole not killing Snake at this moment thing. Got better after I told him I was waiting for the right time to kill him.