Sitting in web authoring class, the final was probably my easiest yet. Waiting for everybody else to finish so we can watch the rest of shawshank redemption. Only one more day of school left, with my final final, math. I can't wait till I finally get out of school. Only bad part is that over summer work I have to do.
I don't really have anything to post. Just rambling. Took me about an hour to finish that german I forgot to do until dan reminded me. Now I want some sleep. I can't wait till school is out. Last week before finals. and Finals don't count as real school days cause they are easy.
What Seinfeld character are you? Jerry Seinfeld You are the star of the show! You are a stand-up comedian who spends his life dwelling on the excrutiating minutae of everday life. You live in apartment 5A at 129 W. 81st St. in New York City and you have a knack for finding very strange friends.
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Last post is Nada. Fred(owner) must have forgotten about it. I will have it at my house . It still costs five dollars to get in. remember, not GW, JH (J-Dawgs Hizzouse)