Hello one and all!
I have a merry proposition and was wondering if there was interest.
Seeing as this is the season for Secret Santas, I was thinking about setting up a Secret Santa for our beloved community. If there's enough people to get this rolling, participants will be sent a prompt and the name of a person to write a fic/draw for. On Christmas day (or more likely the 26th since most of us, including me, will be stuffing our faces and landing ourselves into a comfortable food-coma on Christmas) I will send out everyone's gifts!
It's basically exactly like the ficathon, but Christmas-themed and on a much smaller scale since I appreciate that there's plenty of busy things happening for us all (so say, a word limit of between 500 - 2,000).
So what do you think? It'll obviously be a Senshi/Shitennou thing and aside from the word limit, prompt and random selection of participant, you'll get free reign. Any takers?
If so, the deadline to sign up will be Friday 9th December, with the writing deadline being the 23rd. Just post a comment here with a yay or nay or any suggestions/queries/questions!