Christmas Secret Santa 2012!!! ^_^

Nov 27, 2012 12:59

It's that time of year again! Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, whether you love it, loathe it or are indifferent, it's coming! And therefore it needs to be Sailor Moon-ed, Shitennou style! ^_^

So prod your muses, start your finger flexing exercises and get your drawing tools out because we've got ourselves a CHRISTMAS SECRET SANTA!!!!! 

Here’s the plan, folks:

Sign-ups: 27th November - 5th December
Receipt of Prompts and Instructions: 6th December - 9th December
Writing: As soon as you get your Prompts and Instructions email - 23rd December
Gift Exchange: 24th December - 27th December (depending on how raucous my house gets during the holiday period).
Review your Gift: 27th December - onwards.

Here’s the rules:

Everyone who signs up will be allocated a Gift Receiver Person (or ‘GRP’… I have yet to think up a better name for them, sorry) and prompts.

Using your prompts, either write a fic or create some fic art for your GRP, it can be tailored to your GRP, and that is preferable, because you’re their Secret Santa and it’s sort of a present for them, but if you’re really struggling, then of course no one is forcing you! You’re an artist (of either the image or the word ^_^), so don’t let it cramp your style!

If you choose to write a fic, please note the following:
  • Between 500 to 5,000 words is a good guide. You are MORE THAN WELCOME to blow that limit out of the water, but please bear in mind that this does not mean that your gift will be of equal size.
  • Angst is allowed (because I am a sucker for angst) but considering the bright colours and squishy feelings Christmas usually entails, could we please avoid (if possible) the following: rape, non-humorous and gruesome murder (unless it’s like a noir Christmas crime story… if it’s a noir Christmas crime story then GO RIGHT AHEAD BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!), hmm… horror should be a no, no too… (although a Christmas horror story would be a lot of fun), ok, you know what? Forget what I just said, angst at Christmas can be brilliant! Who am I to stop the churning of the dark and macabre?! Nightmare Before Christmas was a fantastic film AND it was Christmas-y! ^_^
  • Here’s a better idea, if your GRP specifically requests that you avoid angst, then please do your very best to accommodate their wishes.
  • Fluff/romance/happiness is actively encouraged.

For art submissions:
  • Please send your work in by email, if it’s too big, we’ll try looking at alternate ways of transfer.
  • Any media, any style, any colour, there’s no limit but your prompts. We had some really STUNNING stuff last year and I hope we get art participation this year too!

For both art and fic submissions:
  • Please feature a Shitennou in there somewhere. You don’t need the Senshi, but they’re kind of cool so I would encourage their presence as well ^_^.
  • Please try and accommodate your GRP, but PLEASE do not feel under any pressure if you’re finding it difficult to match what they’ve requested.
  • Likewise, please try to avoid imposing too many requests on your Secret Santa. Favourite characters, perhaps a timeline (e.g. SilMil) and if you want to hint that you’re a Christmas crime story fan then that’s ok too, but do not expect to definitely receive a fic tailored to your request.
  • If you’re really stuck then please feel free to email me!

When signing up, please include the following details:

Gift Type Preference: Fic / Art  /Either
Is Angst Acceptable: Yes (Preferred, Actually) / Yes (Not Preferred, Though) / Yes (I’m Easy )/No!
Is Smut Acceptable: Yes (Preferred, Actually) / Yes (Not Preferred, Though) / Yes (I’m Easy… hehehehe) /No!
Anything your Secret Santa Should Know:

And that’s it! Sign Up! Sign Up! ^_^

secret santa 2012, sailor moon

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