Who: Blank, [Open]
When: After the Malboro attacks
Where: Lindblum
What: Helping piece things back together
Rating: Who knows?
Blank may well be a common thief, but he would never steal from those in need. He'd never steal from the poor. And he'd always do whatever he could to help his and his own. That is why he had collected as many potions and remedies as he could, and why he was currently making the rounds of Lindblum helping everyone who needed aid.
Helping others gave him something to focus his thoughts on if nothing else. Once the people were healed, he could help repair some of the damage to the buildings. Lindblum was always unlucky when it came to assaults it seemed. But it brought the people closer together, working together to restore their beloved city.
He cradled an injured moogle in his arms, applying potion and ointment to a badly damaged wing. He'd already helped a lot of people. But his work was far from over.