#1: Election Angst Update
Bad News: Turns out I have even less money to send Obama's campaign than originally thought. It'll probably end up being about $10.
Good News: He doesn't need it! He's made enough money this month to buy his own primetime spot and have a billboard put into a new X-Box 360 racing game. And I heard something about his own Dish Network channel or... something? IDK. Point is, the man is rolling in it, and the way he's spending is super excellent and entertaining as hell.
More Bad News: According to
fivethirtyeight.com's latest projections, the odds of Obama winning my state is 5%.
More Good News: The odds of him winning the election are at about 95%. Woooooooot. (NOT THAT I'M GETTING COMPLACENT.)
#2: Weekend Movie!
Bad News: I once again was deprived of Wall-E. I peeked my head into the theatre it was playing in, saw about ten seconds of it, and immediately regretted doing so, as it intensified my desperate desire to see it. D8
Good News: The movie I did see, Step Brothers, was the most hysterical thing I've seen in a long time. I was in tears near the end from laughing so hard.
Dear Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly,
~ Leslie
#3: Brittish Shows That Own My Soul
Bad News: Still haven't been able to download Classic Who, since my virus protection decided to BE A TOTALLY UNFAIR WHORE and stay expired when I was unable renew it. Also, I've finished watching the first season of Hotel Babylon and now have to wait who knows how long to see the second season. *sadfaise*
Good News: I have season four of Queer As Folk to tide me over.
Bad News: ATWT keeps leaving Luke/Noah scenes on the cutting room floor because they apparently want to kill my spirit.
Good News: Thanks to the internet and LOTS AND LOTS OF RIGHTEOUS ANGER FROM US ENTITLEMENT WHORE FANS THAT INVOLVED LETTER WRITING AND WEBSITE FLOODING, we got to see one of the deleted scenes, and have a picture of another one that we might be getting soon. YAAAY! 8D
Bench!snuggles for the motherfucking win.
(credit to the lovely
frances_veritas )
More Bad News: Luke's first love (his ex-BFF Kevin who ended up calling him a faggot and threatening to kick his ass) is back after more than a year of being out of the picture. I'm wary of what this will mean for my favorite boys!
More Good News: So far Kevin's return has provided the one thing I was hoping for: HILARIOUSLY-POSSESSIVE-AND-INSECURE!NOAH.
Noah: (after politely shaking hands with Kevin) So that's him, huh? The Kevin? The one you were in love with in high school?
Luke: Yes. The one who freaked out when he found out I was gay. *places a reassuring hand on Noah's chest*
Noah: *glares back over his shoulder at Kevin, sizing him up* ..... He has clammy hands.
Luke: *laughs; is completely adorified* Okay, Noah.
(credit to Safari01 @ VH.net)