so we were sitting around bored at my house one night with nothing to do.
while ray was contemplating a design for a robot he was planning on building using a LEGO Mindstorms Robotics Kit, he suggested that we go outside and take a walk to the park.
So ray, chris, matt, paul, mandy and erikah all got up and left chris's boring ass house. (can you guess who is who?)
Upon going outside an evil demon attacked us!
It then suddenly took possession of poor mandy's body!
Our worries were over when chris and paul performed a quick excorcism using the power of the spirit and the "spirits" [ if you know what i mean ;-) ]
Or were they? The demon then lept bodies and jumped to raymond lewis. Paul chose to take decisive action and beat the damn spirit out of the poor kid.
Paul's troubles still weren't over because matt had some spirits of his own to get beaten out.
Yet as it has so many times, good triumphed over evil.
Ray was overjoyed!
Then something else took hold of paul.
Thinking quickly on his feet, paul realized there was only one way to purge it.
And what a surprise that was.
We were all pretty worn out from all of this commotion, but regardless decided trek on to the park.
We had a wonderful time swinging!
And sitting on the playscape.
On the way home from the park, all that fun and demon killing caught up with paul.
Poor Kid... sick...
But everything worked out in the end. :-)