Angry kissing
December 31 2011, 16:38:01 UTC
At the end when Holmes and Moriarty are walking towards each other. They meet at the middle by the chess table and kiss each other in a passionate yet angry way, with lots of biting and fighting for dominance.
Re: Angry kissingrat_chanDecember 31 2011, 18:06:58 UTC
Seconded. Very seconded. Like, blaring trumpet, pounding drums, flags and flaming batons spinning in the air marching band seconded.
I might add this to my maybe to do list. But I'm picturing this as a sexy version of their mental fight simulation thing. Like: "Use good arm to push him down on table. Right knee up to brush growing arousal." "Oh no, Holmes. I'm not so easily subdued... Use momentum to swing around to fur pile. Foot hooked behind ankle of injured leg to collapse him onto furs..." That kind of thing. Can't recall if they switched to second person (you) in their little duel or if it was all third person (he/him and/or names) or if there were no names or pronouns at all..
If I were to fill it, would OP be OK with that.
In the the likely eventuality that someone else wants to fill this sooner, and the OP is OK, they are welcome to use the above concept.
Re: Angry kissing
January 1 2012, 04:57:28 UTC
I am not the OP but I would read the shit out of that!
The concept sounds wonderfully intriguing, and the tiny, tiny two line long snippet makes me want it ~noooooow. I guess I shall just have to practise my patience :P
Re: Angry kissingrat_chanJanuary 2 2012, 04:10:46 UTC
Well. I'm currently working on 2 other M/H prompts (with my eye on at least 3 others), but I want to finish them tonight & tomorrow night. Then... We're probably both hoping someone else will fill it sooner, but I've got a niiiice loooong flight from San Francisco to Tokyo (over 11 hours) later this week, and I think I've seen all the good movies they'll be offering on the personal entertainment unit, so... Prospects are good if nobody minds waiting... And I don't get distracted by other things.
Fill: Precipicerat_chanJanuary 10 2012, 14:35:36 UTC
1000 apologies for making you wait much too long for a fill that is much too short and with likely much too little of what you really wanted. I hope you can derive a bit of enjoyment from this, though. I did, at least.
"Check, and incidentally..." Holmes pauses briefly, as the currents of energy and emotion that flowed around and between the two adversaries intensifies. "Mate." The varied meanings of the word eddy around them. Two heated emotions, different in nature though not incompatible, struggle for dominance of Moriarty's features. The exaggerated rise and fall of Holmes' breastbone reveals his fight against the acceleration of his respiration. An inexorable current draws Moriarty forward, closing the remaining distance between them. It tugs at them both as they lock gazes and robs them of their breath as they resist its pull
( ... )
Re: Fill: Precipice
January 11 2012, 15:46:50 UTC
Wow. This was...yes. I love how you made them kiss in exactly the same way they fight. And I now want to see tons and tons of sexy versions of the Holmes-Moriarty inner monologue. That moment when Moriarty's thoughts interrupt Holmes' inspired all sorts of naughty mental images in the theater, and this fic does exactly what I was imagining.
Re: Fill: Precipicerat_chanJanuary 12 2012, 15:10:08 UTC
Eheh. Thank you. =]
Am I really the first person to pervert convert that scene this way in a fic? Or just the first person to do it here? I can't really be, can I? I mean, isn't this what everybody wants to do with that scene?
Re: Fill: Precipicerat_chanJanuary 13 2012, 16:37:18 UTC
Well, before the new movie, Orson Welles converted me to Moriarty/Holmes (I can link you to the radio play on YouTube, if you like... well worth a listen).
But yeah, Harris!Moriarty. I'm working on that 1000! =D
For me, more than that line, it's how Moriarty's touch lingers, like way longer than just draping a fur around somebody. Oh sure, you could take it as intimidation because his hand is kinda around the wound in Holmes' shoulder. But I choose to take it as a possessive touch.
At the end when Holmes and Moriarty are walking towards each other.
They meet at the middle by the chess table and kiss each other in a passionate yet angry way, with lots of biting and fighting for dominance.
Very seconded.
Like, blaring trumpet, pounding drums, flags and flaming batons spinning in the air marching band seconded.
I might add this to my maybe to do list. But I'm picturing this as a sexy version of their mental fight simulation thing. Like:
"Use good arm to push him down on table. Right knee up to brush growing arousal."
"Oh no, Holmes. I'm not so easily subdued... Use momentum to swing around to fur pile. Foot hooked behind ankle of injured leg to collapse him onto furs..."
That kind of thing.
Can't recall if they switched to second person (you) in their little duel or if it was all third person (he/him and/or names) or if there were no names or pronouns at all..
If I were to fill it, would OP be OK with that.
In the the likely eventuality that someone else wants to fill this sooner, and the OP is OK, they are welcome to use the above concept.
The concept sounds wonderfully intriguing, and the tiny, tiny two line long snippet makes me want it ~noooooow. I guess I shall just have to practise my patience :P
I`d read that!!!! <3
We're probably both hoping someone else will fill it sooner, but I've got a niiiice loooong flight from San Francisco to Tokyo (over 11 hours) later this week, and I think I've seen all the good movies they'll be offering on the personal entertainment unit, so... Prospects are good if nobody minds waiting... And I don't get distracted by other things.
"Check, and incidentally..." Holmes pauses briefly, as the currents of energy and emotion that flowed around and between the two adversaries intensifies. "Mate." The varied meanings of the word eddy around them. Two heated emotions, different in nature though not incompatible, struggle for dominance of Moriarty's features. The exaggerated rise and fall of Holmes' breastbone reveals his fight against the acceleration of his respiration. An inexorable current draws Moriarty forward, closing the remaining distance between them. It tugs at them both as they lock gazes and robs them of their breath as they resist its pull ( ... )
Am I really the first person to pervert convert that scene this way in a fic? Or just the first person to do it here?
I can't really be, can I?
I mean, isn't this what everybody wants to do with that scene?
Well, that and "Don't want you to catch cold."
But yeah, Harris!Moriarty. I'm working on that 1000! =D
For me, more than that line, it's how Moriarty's touch lingers, like way longer than just draping a fur around somebody.
Oh sure, you could take it as intimidation because his hand is kinda around the wound in Holmes' shoulder. But I choose to take it as a possessive touch.
soooooooooo perfect!! <3
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