...В аспирине нет ничего, противоречащего здравому смыслу, научным познаниям и устройству мира. Например, если он действует, то при увеличении дозы он будет действовать сильнее. Это логично. Если бы он действовал сильнее при уменьшении дозы, это было бы нелогично.
http://avva.livejournal.com/2770543.html?thread=105831791#t105831791 Немного поучительной истории:
...The term hormesis entered the scientific literature in 1943 when Southam and Ehrlich reported that extracts from the red cedar tree enhanced the metabolism of fungi at low concentrations but inhibited it at higher concentrations. These investigators were apparently unaware of a substantial body of literature that described similar dose responses in plants, microorganisms, insects, and mammalian models from a variety of chemical agents, including most of the well-studied inorganic contaminants as well as various forms of radioactivity. The primacy of the concept of hormesis is generally credited to Hugo Schulz, a pharmacologist at the University of Greifswald in northern Germany who based experiments dealing with the effects of disinfectants on the metabolism of yeasts in the mid 1880s. Тhe initial observations of Schulz along with his attempts to generalize the concept resulted in this phenomenon being called the Arndt-Schulz Law or Hueppe's Rule, after the bacteriologist who extended the findings to bacteria.
...Despite the initial decades of successful hormetic research it became the object of opponents who successfully linked it with the medical practice of homeopathy. This was an easy thing to do since the creator of the concept of hormesis, Hugo Schulz, was a very strong proponent of homeopathy and in fact interpreted his findings as providing the scientific foundations of the medical practice of homeopathy. In fact, the Arndt-Schulz Law was named, in part, after Rudolph Arndt, a homeopathic physician. As a result of the very close association between the Arndt-Schulz Law and homeopathy it became targeted by enemies of homeopathy in the long-running confrontation with what is today called traditional medicine. Even today, the proponents of homeopathy still point to the work of Schulz as providing important historical foundations of the biological basis of homeopathy. However, in the early decades of the twentieth century the homeopathy movement had major setbacks with numerous homeopathic medical schools in the U.S. being forced to close due to poor academic standards. How these actions affected the Arndt-Schulz Law has never been studied but it is likely that it negatively impacted its general recognition and acceptance. In fact, as early as 1896 Hueppe argued that the findings of Schulz were reproducible and needed to be judged on their own merits, not coupled with homeopathy, even though this was how Schulz himself framed the question.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2656123/http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1299203/ Боритесь дальше.