Damn. 3 fucking am and it's 102 outside. Shouldn't it be in the 90's at least?!? I can't sleep. The ac broke. I'm melting! This sucks. I tried takin cold shower but after 4 mins, no cold water! SUCKS ASS!!!
Last night I typed this lonnnng entry and there was a lj error so.. All was lost.
Just wanted to let evrybody know.. Due to last minute complications.. There's a 99.9 percent I'm stayin and not goin back to CSD. The .1 percent chance is if a miracle happens. :( so... Unfortunately.. Won't be seein yall in the fall. Peace Out
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friday sucked... left my backpack on the bus, got in a cpl fights w my mom, had to wait all night at the doggie hospital just cause my dog had a little cut. big deal. My family freaked like the dog was gonna die or something. losers.