(no subject)

Mar 23, 2006 19:38

LADIES: Turned ON, OFF or DC (Don't care):

Is taller than you: On
Is shorter than you: Off
Wears glasses: Dc
Dresses Preppy: Off
Dresses Ghetto: Off
Dresses Skater: Dc
Has blue eyes: On =]
Has green eyes: Dc
Has hazel eyes: Dc
Has brown eyes: Dc
Drinks alcohol: Dc
Plays sports: Off
Plays video games: Dc
Compliments you: On
Shaves his legs: Off
Wears jewelry: Dc
Has facial hair: Dc
Smiles when you walk in the room: On
Has brown hair: Dc
Has black hair: Dc
Has blonde hair:On
Has no hair: Off
Has red hair: Dc
Makeup: Dc
eyeliner: Dc
virgin: Dc (preferrable :P)
Laid back: On
Plays guitar: Dc
Plays drums: Dc
Sings: On
He's buff: As in six pack? Gross >=| off
He's skinny: Dc
He can draw: On
Doesn't eat meat: Dc
Does drugs: Dc
Is bi: Dc
Has a tattoo: Dc
Has a lip ring: Dc
Has a tongue ring: Dc
Has an accent: Dc

GUYS: Turned ON, OFF or DC (Don't care)

dresses like a grandma:
plays musical instrument:
is shorter than you:
same height as you:
is taller than you:
Wears glasses:
Dresses Preppy:
Dresses Ghetto:
Dresses Gothic:
has small tits:
has green eyes:
has blue eyes:
has brown eyes:
has long hair:
has short hair:
drinks alcohol:
smokes cigs:
smokes weed:
big boobs:
has blonde hair:
has brown hair:
has black hair:
has red hair:
works out:
plays video games:
calls you just to say hi:
compliments you:
shaves her legs:
wears jewelry:
has bigger feet than u:
Has smaller feet than you:
belly piercing:
laid back:
doesn't party:
likes to party:
pierced ears:
super skinny:
average size:
on the larger side:
really really tan:
has clear skin:
has some acne:
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