So I was going through my old journals, I had quite a few of them, and I felt nostalgic. :( Compared to the way I write now, I was such a hyperactive and cussy person. BUT I HAVE GROWN. This is awesome news but I don't want to forget my roots so I'll compile all my previous posts in all my journals into this one post. GOOD LUCK READING.
Meus Fabula Est Mei Ut Dico.Twitter (August 23, 2009)
Never saw myself using it before now. Well, things change. Never thought I would do a lot of things but life -and fate, probably- likes to screw me over apparently. I haven’t said a word in a while and it’s comforting in its own way. Plus my voice is hoarse from Song Fest practice, which is bad considering we’re third to perform.
Anyway. Twitter.
I did my homework before trying it the first time. I think I read somewhere -or was that watched- that using Twitter actually lowers one’s IQ. Must be from the 140 character limit. Nobody would try and use words like ‘ostentatious’ or ‘obscure’; not when the simpler words suffice. Vocabularies become limited and people then wonder why the next generations seem stupider. But that is for another time. Getting right down to it, roughly half an hour ago I became a Twitter user myself. And am still receiving the taunts of becoming one. In a way, I’m doing it out of love really. My cousin, who also happens to be my best friend, is leaving and as great Yahoo! Messenger is and all that, it’s hard to talk to someone who’s on another timezone. Case in point, Cicely Bulawin.
Either that, or she’s just really busy.
If it were any other person -friends excluded- I would have said I’d do it and the moment they left, that would be the end of the acquiantance. Heartless, as it may be, I’m not the kind of person who tries that hard if I don’t see some deep bond between the two of us. Obviously my cousin means a lot -the world, really- to me for me to actually do this.
I’m writing this in the hope that someone who followed the link will see that I don’t “tweet” all the time. And also, I hope my cousin will know how much I care even though I’ve never really said it.
Mary’s Story v.1 (August 24, 2009)
Physics Treasure Map Backstory: Mary and the Murder v.1
Set in the third point of view.
Rough Draft - to be edited.
The story begins one dark and moonless night as Mary, a Miriam College High School student, wanders far from the college lanai where she awaits her fetcher. All by herself, she sees no problem in wandering around and soon stumbles into the Mini Forest, her mind filled to the brim with curiosity at what the Forest hides at night. After what feels like only minutes but in reality has been an hour, she hears strange noises as she passes by the calachuchi walk and hides behind the Balete tree, peeking through one of its many branches and her eyes widened at the sight before her.
A man, whose face was obscured by darkness, was holding a bloody knife, not caring as the viscous, red liquid dripped from the sharp edge to the ground. He was watching another faceless man heave what looked to be a body -no, she was sure it was- into the well. She watched with a cold fear as the two men looked over the edge and she heard the telltale splash of the body hitting the water below. The very sound of the heinous crime wrenched a gasp from her lips and as the two men whipped around to face her, the fear had turned to lead and her body refused to move, even as her mind shouted for her to run. It was only when one of the murderers stepped on a dry twig, did she snap out of her stupor and run; run like her life depended on it. Too caught up was she in her own panic that she ran into the Library building, hoping against all hope that the doors leading to the college lanai, to safety were open.
Alas, they were not. All too soon, did she hear the hard thumping of boots and her mind raced to try and find a hiding spot. Mary tried to go to the drafting room but the door was locked, so she settled for the next best thing; the bathroom beside it. She rushed in and closed the door as gently as she could, hoping that the absence of sound wouldn’t draw attention to her and as soon as the door lock clicked gently, she heard muffled voices outside. She whispered a prayer to her god, wishing they would go away, search somewhere else and she could live to see tomorrow. Her hands were locked in prayer, her knuckles turning white and when she heard the sounds grow fainter, she allowed herself a small sliver of hope.
A hope that was in vain as the door was wrenched open with ease and just as she opened her mouth to scream for help, to scream for her life, she was silenced and was never found.
I hope I wasn’t too theatric. ):
Noteworthy events. (September 12, 2009)
1. My parents have finally allowed me to a convention! It has finally happened! Hell has frozen over!
…I’m kidding but that is how rare my parents allow me to out after a certain fiasco concerning me meeting a boy without their permission. In any case, I am very excited about it even though I am penniless at the moment. Oh well, I’m sure I can beg and plead my parents for some money. I hope they won’t mind.
2. Owing to the fact that the Parent-Teacher Conference aka PTC [Read: Doomsday] has just occurred and it’s the weekend after, so no academics, I’ve been particularly free and I managed to talk to a very good friend of mine who happens to be in the US and we caught up a bit.
Epiphany: I’m a selfish bitch who thinks about my future, not stopping to think that I should be living in my present. I didn’t realize that I wasn’t really talking to me friends WHICH IS PROBABLY THE MOST HORRIBLE THING TO REALIZE SINCE HIGH IS SUPPOSED TO BE THE TIME YOU GATHER FRIENDS.
Yes, well. I never did do epiphanies well after having eaten chocolate.
3. After having talked to said friend [Read: Cicely], I realized I haven’t completely buried the proverbial hatchet with a certain someone. I thought I couldn’t hold grudges for very long but it looks like I was mistaken about that.
Cosmania! September 13, 2009
So, having just gotten home from one of the most grueling events to ever happen, I’m tired -needless to say- but still so much energy and now that I cannot do anything but sit here and type, sit here and type, I will! Alright, so the Cosplay Convention had more people than anticipated and while that’s not necessarily a bad thing, it did make maneuvering around quite difficult, since people being stopped -in the middle of the hallway, no less- to have their pictures taken is pretty normal. I’ve gotten used to it but I still got bumped around a lot. So, when I got there, I was utterly, utterly alone and was desperate to roam with someone [Read: friends] so I called up the people I knew were going and was not surprised to find out that they were in the arcade. Playing beat games. Some things never change and thank goodness for that.
After having found them and finally roaming with them, we went to buy shakes and I bought coffee. I don’t know why I keep buying coffee since it keeps tasting and feeling like I’m drinking Styrofoam. *boo* I finished around three-fourths of it before throwing it away. Afterwards, we met up with Antonia Lee [tapsilogue] who bought a lot of ARASHI things. I am jealous but in a good way. If there ever was a good way of being jealous. She and George talked about Arashi while Mica bought popcorn and -this is worth mentioning- PATSY WAS SO ADORABLE IN HER MAID OUTFIT. AND-AND KAREN IN HER HARUHI GET-UP. My better half has found well, another half. I was not entirely …erm, happy about it but good for her. MOVING ON.
We went around a bit again and Patsy and I decided to relive our childhood days and buy cotton candy. Patsy’s candy was pink and mine was pink; we met up with Hunny and company and when Hunny said that she wanted the blue cotton candy, I COULD NOT RESIST GIVING IT TO HER. What. After a while, Patsy and I went back to the convention to go souvenir-hunting. Which is difficult when everything you see is something you want to buy for your friends. After like, 4 rounds, I found key chains! Harry Potter key chains! Yes, at an anime convention, I bought Harry Potter [and Draco Malfoy] key chains. After that, we were all pretty knackered so Patsy changed out of her maid costume and we ended up in PowerBooks where we went to the art section and Philippine Literature section. I have no idea how we wandered into the latter but the titles made for some interesting reads. Teehee. After a bit, my parents texted me that we were about to leave so I went upstairs, since they said that they were on the fourth level. What they failed to mention was that was all the way on the other side of the mall. Running in current pants = unhealthy. We managed to get home alright but there was this idiot right in front of our house and I swear, it was like s/he didn’t know how to drive! My dad gave him enough leeway to move along but s/he just sat there like it wasn’t raining cats and dogs and other cars weren’t waiting behind him/her! After a while, s/he just backed up so now we’re -I’m- here typing away and nursing a headache.
But at least, I had fun! <3
Competition! September 15, 2009
So after one month of inactivity, I finally went back to training again. There is a word that summarizes everything: OUCH. We did not do our forms; we study-sparred. Weirdly enough, we were asked to wear gears though and we just did actual sparring. I was in group 1 and luckily enough, I sort of know what to look out for since I know the people in my group. Unfortunately, I did not foresee -though, in hindsight, I sh0uld have- the very painful crashing of my calf with my partner’s knee. GODFUCKINGDAMNIT. Seriously, I am well in my rights to cuss. I can still feel, up to now, the reverberating pain and it isn’t just centered in one spot, the pain is all over which worries me, as it is unlike any other injury I’ve received and considering I’ve gotten more that my fair share of injuries, that is saying something.
Oh well, there’s training tomorrow again -thanks to the Wednesday schedule today- and though I don’t think the pain will go away soon and that I’m limping, I’m pretty sure I’ll still go and that I’ll still either kick ass or get mine kicked. Sometimes, I ask myself, if this is all worth it; the pain, the physical trauma, the injuries, the money, the effort and the 3+ years I’ve put into this and instantly, I think, ‘Hell yes.’
Yay for Ambition.
Physics and Chemistry Jokes! September 18, 2009
Because I’m a geek that way. 8D Patsy actually inspired this entry after I told her the electron joke.
Q: What did the male magnet say to the female magnet?
A: From your backside, I thought you were repulsive. However, after seeing you from the front, I find you rather attractive.
A six-year-old boy spotted Albert Einstein walking down the street and decided to try out his favorite joke on him: “Mr. Einstein! Why did the chicken cross the road?” To which the famous physicist replied, “My young burgeoning mind, zee question does not have a definite anzer. Vether zee chicken crossed zee road or zee road crossed zee chicken depends on your frame of reference.”
Three months before his 1905 seminal relativity paper, Einstein perform the following thought experiment, which, by the way, is known as a gedanken experiment in theoretical physics:
Einstein imagined, “If I vere to put my hand on a hot stove for a minute, it vould seem like an hour. But if I vere to sit with a pretty girl for an hour, it vould seem like a minute. By Jove, I think time is relative.”
Einstein’s favorite limerick was:
There was an old lady called Wright
who could travel much faster than light.
She departed one day
in a relative way
and returned on the previous night.
Physics quote of the day: Anything that doesn’t matter has no mass.
The Official Unabashed Scientific Dictionary defines a transistor as a nun who’s had a sex change.
Q: How many theoretical physicists specializing in general relativity does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Two. One to hold the bulb and one to rotate the universe.
Title: A Sexual Encounter between a Capacitor and an Inductor
One evening, with his charge at full capacity, Micro Farad decided to get a cute coil to discharge him. He went to the Magnet Bar to pick up a chip called Millie Amp. He caught her out back trying self induction; fortunately, she had not damaged her solenoid. The two took off on his megacycle and rode across the Wheatstone Bridge into a magnetic field, next to a flowing current , to watch the sine waves.
Micro Farad was very much stimulated by Millie’s characteristic curve. Being attractive himself, he soon had her field fully excited. He set her on the ground potential, raised his frequency, lowered her resistance, and pulled out his high voltage probe. When he inserted it in parallel, he short-circuited her shunt. Fully excited, Millie cried out, “ohm, ohm, give me mho”. As he increased his tube to maximum output, her coil vibrated from the current flow. It did not take long for her shunt to reach maximum heat. Now with the excessive current shortening her shunt, Micro’s capacity rapidly discharged - every electron was drained off. But that was not the end of it. Indeed, they fluxed all night, tried various connections and hookings until his bar magnet weakened, and he could no longer generate enough voltage to sustain his collapsing field. With his battery fully discharged, Micro was unable to excite his tickler, so they went home. A few weeks later, they were merged forever and oscillated happily ever after.
A neutron walked into a bar and asked, “How much for a drink?” The bartender replied, “For you, no charge.”
Q: Why do chemists call helium, curium and barium the medical elements?
A: Because if you can’t helium or curium, you barium!
Q: How many guacs are in a bowl of guacamole?
A: Avocados number.
A small piece of ice which lived in a test tube fell in love with a Bunsen burner. “Bunsen! my flame! I melt whenever I see you” said the ice. The Bunsen burner replied :”It’s just a phase you’re going through”.
According to a chemist, why is the world so diverse? Because it’s made up of alkynes of people.
A group of organic molecules were having a party, when a group of robbers broke into the room and stole all of the guest’s joules. A tall, strong man, armed with a machine gun came into the room and killed the robbers one by one. The guests were very grateful to this man, and they wanted to know who he was. He replied: My name is BOND, Covalent Bond.
Two chemists meet for the first time at a symposium. One is American, one is British. The British chemists asks the American chemist, “So what do you do for research?” The American responds, “Oh, I work with arsoles.” The Brit responds, “Yes, sometimes my colleagues get on my nerves also.”
What did the thermometer say to the graduated cylinder? “You may have graduated but I’ve got many degrees.”
Little Willie was a chemist. Little Willie is no more.
What he thought was H2O, was H2SO4.
chemist walks into a pharmacy and asks the pharmacist for some acetylsalicylic acid.
The pharmacist replies, “You mean aspirin?”
The chemist answers, “That’s it… I can never remember that word.”
TGIF but weekends can’t be enjoyed. October 16, 2009
Another week is over and while I am grateful that some projects are finished. I think we are destined to never finish the IP. Seriously. I mean, we go to Ateneo to research, they won’t allow us in. We go to La Salle-well, tried to; the car broke down and we had to turn back. So yeah, IP, you are full of epic fail. Today was full of ups and downs. Let me enumerate because this is quite funny in retrospect.
+ Spent the afternoon with Patsy and Elora and then Francie and Elora. Elora, you’re a constant in my life. <3
+ Watched my classmates perform yoga. Some were good and some were great. It was fun watching though.
+ Got a good score on the Biology quiz. Considering I forgot we had a quiz at all.
+ Sang in front of the entire class by myself. Go self! Quite a self-confidence boost, that was.
+ Elora, me and a DS. Specifically, Elora and I screaming at a DS, who was getting pissed. Seriously.
+ Elora’s face when Francie grabbed my right boob. She looked like she was the one being molested. =)) I was straight-faced throughout this because I’m used to it, fortunately.
- Had a shouting match with my dad through the phone while I was in the YLC office. All because of a misunderstanding.
- My dad’s text. All by itself, nakaka-badtrip. Fucker.
- Binunot ng brother ko yung iPod sa saksakan kahapon ng gabi kaya hindi nakapag-charge kaya namatay kaninang umaga. Squashing down homocidal tendencies in the morning is not pleasant! Seriously! The reason I listen to music is to try and face my day as humanly normal as possible! Yung namatay, biglang may gusto akong patayin. Preferably my brother. My anger is expressed by the fact that I actually used Tagalog, which is something that I never do unless it’s unbridled, unadulterated, blinding fury. Yes, I have issues, but so what.
That’s it. The ups outweigh the down so today was for the win even if all those fail!moments happened. There’s always tomorrow though! And tomorrow, we’re going to Patsy’s house! 8D I foresee a very epic win day. That is, provided my parents let me. 8(
Hello Cebu! November 2, 2009
Ok, not really. I hate your poor. They remind me of Quiapo, Divisoria and Recto all put together and I hate going to those places. I love your malls, though. Really fancy SM and Ayala but Robinson’s, WTF. Seriously. I love your museums though and the fact that they might break under my weight. I love your lechon and all your food but I hate that I will grow fat and heavy if I eat more. Which I do anyway. :< Oh, Cebu, why so tempting. I love the fact that you can get a taxi just about anywhere and they’re really nice taxis and taxi drivers. I love the hotel we have here and though it’s a bit smaller than what I expected, everything is made better by the fact that its staff is friendly and polite and nice and all things good. I love it when you wake up at ten, have breakfast at 12 and leave around 1, the streets look like it’s only 6 or 7 am. I don’t want to leave because it’s so awesome here but I miss the hustle and bustle of Manila and the people I left behind. I miss everyone there and everytime I look at something interesting, all I think about is what my friends would think of them. What funny or perverted things they would say.
I like Cebu but I can’t wait to be home.
The other journal will be in my next entry. I don't think this entry can take anymore. 8D