oh man KIDAAA I FREAKING LOVE YOUU. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
This episode to me was like giving a kid a candy store. So many Kida shots aaahh my hearttt. Even with those really fugly blue jeans you worked it~ YOU WERE AT FIRST AND NOW YOU ARE AT OCTOPLET EXTREME FIRE S STAGE.
Though as much as I love him, he is (as mentioned in the episode) just a kid. He's probably the most manipulated "king" on Izaya's fusion chess/shogi/card/whateverthefuckizayawants game. I really, really hope the choices in Kida's future actions won't lead to the same bad results from his past.
Commenting on Saki, I actually really liked her, but only her past self. Her present self is a little... scary? I can't explain it. She's shows a darker reliance on Izaya in the present where she takes his words are something more than a prediction. I like her but at the same time I'm afraid of her. Being Kida's "God" sure has that impact. I also have this strange feeling that Saki and Anri are Izaya's little sisters, but this is me making tangent hypothesis that might not be true. I HAVE MY REASONS.
People who read the novel, please don't spoil if they've revealed anything about it yet ;___;
Izaya you are such a freak. I don't know if I really love you, or if I'm really scared of you. MAYBE BOTH ...♥
Okay, Kidafagging aside I still need to get you guys your drawings ;__; I'm working (hahah working!! ahahahI'mnerdy /SHOT) on them! Sorry it's taking so long. I'll try to get it all finished by next, next week ORZ.
Ahh the meme! I'll do it on my next post since this is getting rather long winded.
PROM IS TOMORROWWW. I kinda wanted to go in a tuex but I don't wanna make my date feel uncomfortable eheheh.
wow this is the longest journal I've ever written.