so this is me today, at 2:30 a.m. later today (probably about noon) my
hair will be 10 inches shorter. i know some of you will protest or
question this decision.
possible protests:
1. but.. you never wear your hair down anyway.
-i am turning over a new leaf and will be forced to do - gasp - more interesting things with it now
2. but it's so pretty!
-my hair grows incredibly fast. before long, i will
again have (as my roommate megan says) "magnificent tresses."
3. why now?
-why not?
4. are you doing this to spite me?
-heavens no.
5. is there some overarching goal at work here?
-no, but i am sending it to locks of love, which is a good cause.
the real reason, as you well know, is i've run out of money for shampoo.
ha! no, but that is a perk. regardless, i've decided that it's time. goodbye hair.. we've had a good run.
stay tuned for fair photos and more updates!