LAST TIME on the Flora Legacy, Tristen and Greenbean finally got to flirted. They woohooed in Greenbean's bed and were caught when Sprout came home from work. Sprout kicked Tristen out and the kids became teens.
Datura's cousin Beech calls her the instant she becomes a teen. You two are related, so don't get any ideas!
Datura is pretty much adorable, so prepare to see a lot of pictures of her.
BLUEBELL! Is that you haunting your grave?
Oh nope, it's just her wife Elise, popping in for a visit!
Datura inherited her father's obsession with being neat.
I decided to check their gender preferences. Datura is straight, as expected.
Wait, WHAT?
Snapdragon: Oh, didn't I mention? I like me some boys!
shoefleesims: No, you did NOT mention that!
Oh and they still look absolutely adorable in their private school uniforms. Yeah, you see that look on Datura's face? She knows how cute she is.
They're both getting great grades and feel the need to express this through loud cheering.
Oh, and Datura brought her other cousin, Fern (who for some reason isn't wearing her uniform) home from school.
Unfortunately for Fern, Datura isn't the best at conversation.
Datura: Ugh NO, I don't want to talk about clothes, ew!
Datura: Oh but yes, I LOVE shoes!
Datura: Ew, Court TV is SO LAME!
Datura: But ooh, I love it when the cops bring out their handcuffs!
She bounces back and forth more than a ping-pong ball!
Meanwhile, Snap is a nice little preppy boy, doing his homework in his pristine bedroom.
Why hello there, purple eyes! I changed my dark blue default to purple because I love it. So not only does he have purple eyes, but he also has black hair, which is Datura's turn on!
Datura: I want this one. He's hot.
Well, who am I to say no to a girl who knows what she wants?
Cornrows: Baby, your pink hair is so SEXY!
Datura: It is, thanks! You know, it isn't a hat!
BLUEBELL! Oh Man, I miss her so much. That seals it, Datura is definitely heir!
Datura: Oooh, tickle tickle tickle!
Cornrows: teeeheeeheee.
Best watch that non-manly giggle, mister!
Cornrows: You know, it's been said that a certain part of my body is long like a cruise ship-
Cornrows: *sploops hearts*
Datura: *stares awkwardly and doesn't reciprocate*
In the meantime Snap, who doesn't have a boytoy, must content himself with reading smutty novels.
Datura invites Cornrows over the next night for a date. There is general reciprocating of splooping shapes above their heads.
Datura: RAWR! What a tight arse!
Cornrows: Woooo! *squeaks*
Ah. Awkward, much?
shoefleesims: *sings* Love is in the air, everywhere I look around!
Datura: Can you knock it off? We're trying to snog!
shoefleesims: Well, SO-RRY. *hums song anyways* Hm hm hm...
They continue to make our for quite awhile.
Datura: I am SO ANGRY that you agreed to go steady with me.
Cornrows: Well, then...
Apparently her anger doesn't bother him because they had a dream date!
Datura: Wait, where is he going? Back him come back!
shoefleesims: No. You have to do your homework.
Datura: *grumbles* Stupid sim!god, making me do my stupid homework...
shoefleesims: What was that?
Datura: *cough* Nothing?
Datura: Ugh, it's just homework is sooo haaaard. Why can't I be making out with my boyfriend insteeeeead.
Really, its a good thing she's cute.
Cornrows (I really can't remember his name) comes by to swoon over the flowers he brought with him.
Datura: Dear Diary. I miss my mom. But Daddy says she was a slut and she slept with grandpa so she can't stay. It really sucks.
Datura: Maybe if I had a lawn gnome it would be better. But I don't. So it still sucks.
Ah, a happy family breakfast of burnt pancakes. But where is Sprout?
Off being a longer, eating his breakfast all by himself at his daughter's desk. Weirdo!
What? NO! I didn't realize it was that time already!
Greenbean: Oh, boo hoo. This really isn't a 'pip pip' sort of day at all! I don't want to go, luvs. Please don't make me go!
Greenbean: *le gasp* Did you say FREE ALCOHOL? I'm THERE! Cheerio, everyone!
Sprout is very sad about losing his butt-daddy. Every if the man did sleep with his wife. Two things about the insurance:
1) Haha. Greenbean's "friend" Tristen only got $960! It's like: "Here's $960, thanks for the sex!"
2) Datura got twice as much money as Snap!
Farewell, Greenbean. May you rest in pip pip peace next to your wife. Er, let's just hope she wasn't paying attention when you slept with Tristen, yeah?
Really, Tristen. Not the time.
Datura forgets her sadness by making out with her boyfriend.
Cornrows: *sploops hearts* I FELL IN LOVE! I'M SO HAPPY I COULD RUN AWAY!
Wait, lets get a closer look at that face...
Well now. What is IN those splooping hearts?
Cornrows: NOTHING! I'm just HIGH on LOVE!
Sure you are.
Cornrows got a makeover. And now I can't call him cornrows! Oh no!
LOL Iron Chef! I love that show.
Woohoo, go Sprout!
Well hello there sexy blond piece of manmeat!
Snap: *swoons* That boy is FIIIINE!
Blond Guy: Hey hey hey!
Snap: Is he gay then?
shoefleesims: I'd say that's a yes. Go for it!
Snapdragon: Ooh, boy, you'd look so FIIINE in a pink dress!
Yes, well. *coughs* If that's what gets his attention...
Snap tries another, more affective tactic, the next night. I'm sure you can fill in the blanks.
Snapdragon: Yes! I am AWESOME!
Friends who stare together, stay together?
I think they're cute.
Snap; I think his arse is TIGHT! Rawr!
shoefleesims: Love is in the air, everywh-
Datura: *yells from offscreen* SHUT IT, THEY'RE TRYING TO SNOG!
shoefleesims: *sulks*
Holy Cow! A dream date! :D
Whatcha doing there, sneaky mcsneaky snake?
Blondie: Mmmmmyyyy preccciouusss...
I shouldn't be surprised that the gay guy brought his boyfriend a "12th Century Song Dynasty Sculpted Vase". *snort*
Er, I didn't mean that to sound rude or anything.
And to close off this update, it's triple birthday time!
The Universe: *ENDS*
Just kidding, just kidding...
Sprout! He reminds me of
dothesmustle's elder Brady.
Snap, who ended up with his father's finely chiseled jaw.
And the heir, Datura Flora! YAY!
Well, that's it for this update of the Flora Legacy! Next time, Generation five?
I do have one question for you. Should Datura age up and marry Cornrows? Or should I look for someone else, maybe with a more distinctive face? Oh, or should I download some other legacies' heir/kids and have her marry them? I want to shake it up, maybe. Let me know!