The Flora Legacy: Where Are They Now - Gen 2

Feb 04, 2008 21:59

Unlike my other updates, which are all in captions and such, my Where Are They Now will all be in story-mode, mainly because I think it works better for this type of post. So without further ado, let's see whats been happening in the lives of Ficus and Daisy.


Daisy Flora moved out of her mother's home and into a small, quaint little home of her own.

She was really high happy about this change, and completely in love with her new home.

She spent much of her first few days there dancing in celebration:

Even though she doesn't know the moves all the time.

Shortly after moving into her new home, Daisy rekindled her relationship with her teenage boyfriend, Paul, who was now an adult. Shortly thereafter, Paul proposed and they moved in together

And just a few months later, they were ready to get married. Paul even got his hair cut and styled for the occasion.

They held a quiet ceremony in their backyard, with only a few close family members in attendance.

Being deeply in love, they didn't wait long to consummate their marriage.

And just nine months later, their first baby was on the way.

Paul was just a bit shocked that Daisy was going to have their child right then and there.

But she did. She gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. They named him Oak, and all Daisy could think was that he was the spitting image of his father.

Oak seemed to grow very fast, and before Daisy and Paul knew it, he was a toddler.

The most adorable little toddler ever, as Daisy often said.

Just a few days later, Daisy went into labor with her and Paul's second child. Paul seemed a bit stunned at the turn of events, though his wife's growing belly should have been some indication.

Daisy and Paul were overjoyed to welcome their daughter into the world. Her name was Acacia and she looked just like her older brother.

In what seemed like no time at all, Acacia had grown into a beautiful little toddler.

Her red hair and grey eyes always made her look like Paul, but Daisy often thought her daughter had her face.

And Oak had become a child, who still bore a striking resemblance to his father.

Oak and Paul loved to play video games together whenever they had time.

It was fun... even if Oak did get a little angry sometimes when he lost.

Once Acacia grew up a bit more, she and Oak were the best of friends. One of their favourite games was cops and robbers:

Somehow, Acacia always managed to "kill" Oak.

Daisy and Paul suspected it was because Oak loved how loudly his little sister laughed when he pretended to be a ghost.

It seemed like time was flying by, and soon Oak had grown into a strapping young teenager. No one could deny how much he looked like his Father, but his personality was clearly different. While Paul wanted nothing more than to raise and care for his family, Oak had one thing on his mind. The Ladies. :D

And here the family is now, posing for their formal family portrait.

Of course, as in any dynamic family, its impossible to get everyone to stay still for very long.


When his twin brother was chosen to be heir to the Flora family, Ficus moved out of his family home and into a modern bachelor pad nearby.

Like his sister, he felt like dancing at his new-found freedom.

He had some pretty fly moves.

But he also just liked to sit around and chill, relaxing on his couch as he watched is team's football games on his big flatscreen tv. Not only was it comfortable, but he happened to know that he looked pretty good doing it.

In fact, if he said it for himself, and he often did, he was pretty damn sexy.

Just a day after he moved into his new home, Ficus was outside checking his mail. He glanced up, and thats when he saw her. The most gorgeous woman he had ever seen.

Her name was Shanna, and he didn't hesitate a moment before inviting her inside to watch a movie. They were amazing comfortable with each other, and soon Shanna was stopping over every day.

As the days past, they become more and more comfortable with each other.

Sooner than he expected, they were a couple, and Shanna was spending quite a few nights a week at Ficus' home.

One night, while Shanna was having dinner with some friends, Ficus decided to go out to a local club.

She caught his eye the moment he went in, and though he knew he loved Shanna, he couldn't help but go over for a dance. It was only a dance, after all. Right?

Her name was Stacy, and she was an amazing dancer. Soon the song was over, and another game one. They kept dancing, song after song slipping by.

Before Ficus knew what was happening, the DJ started playing a slow song, and he found himself slipping his arms around Stacy and pulling her close.

It may have been the drinks he'd had at the bar, or it may have just been the way the light hit her long red hair, but before Ficus could stop himself, he was kissing her.

He brought her home that night, unable to help himself all caught up in her spell. Lucky for him, Shanna was spending the night with her friends and her own home.

Because he and Stacy didn't get much sleep that night.

He woke up the next day to find Stacy gone, and a note left on her pillowcase. It read: "Dear Ficus. Thanks for the amazing night. I'll never forget you."

Ficus knew he'd made a mistake, but there was nothing he could do about it. He vowed to forget it ever happened and to focus all his attention on the love of his life, Shanna.

But something was wrong with Shanna. She as sick all the time, and then it seemed like she was avoiding him! He worried that she had found out about Stacy, but he soon learned it was something else entirely the next day, when Shanna came walking down his sidewalk.

She was pregnant, and it was his. She was so nervous that he wouldn't want to be with her, but the moment he saw that round little bump in her belly, he knew what he had to do. Without hesitation, he asked her to move in with him, and said they would raise their baby together.

So Shanna moved in with Ficus, and the next few months passed without incident, except for the growing swell of Shanna's belly.

Before he knew it, Shanna was going into Labor.

She was screaming and wailing so loud that Ficus nearly had a heart attack! But she was fine...

... And so was their baby. It was a beautiful little girl named Magnolia, and other than her skin color, she looked exactly like her mother.

Ficus and Shanna couldn't take their eyes off their beautiful little girl. They spent the entire night just watching her sleep in her crib. They thought they would be happier forever.

But it only lasted until the next day... when a knock came at the door.

It was Stacy, and she had a baby in her arms.

Stacy looked stressed, and tired as she explained. "This is Reed, Ficus. And he's your son."

"Whose car is that, Ficus?" Stacy asked as she glanced to the side of the house.

"It's..." He shook his head, not sure what to say. "Maybe you'd better come inside, Stacy."

What was he going to do? What was Shanna going to say? All he could think was: "Oh, shit. I'm so screwed."

"Ficus? Who is that? And why is she carrying a baby?" Shanna looked hurt, and confused. And angry.

He figured he might as well just come out with it. "Shanna... this is Stacy. And I guess- that baby is my son."

Now, Shanna was pissed. "You're WHAT? But. He's almost exactly the same age as our Magnolia! You CHEATER!"

He shouldn't have been so stunned, but he was. "Shanna, I'm so sorry! It was a long time ago, before I even knew you were pregnant with our baby."

"That doesn't make it better, you BASTARD!" And before he knew what was happening, her hand was smacking him across the face.

And as if things couldn't get worse, the moment Shanna stormed off towards the other end of the room, Ficus saw Stacy's angry face.

"You have a girlfriend? And a baby with her, too?"

"You BASTARD!" She smacked him across the face just like Shanna had, and it hurt even more on his stinging skin.

Stacy looked furious still. "That's it. I'm through with men and their cheating ways." She turned her gaze towards the stunned Shanna. "What about you, honey?"

Shanna looked up, her eyes bright with tears. "Yeah," She said through her sniffles. "I think I am too."

Before Ficus had any grasp on what was happening, the two girls moved across the room to each other and kissed.

Minutes later, Shanna had packed all her stuff into a bag while Stacy called a taxi. They left together, getting into the taxi and driving off to a new life.

Leaving Ficus all alone with two babies and no idea what had just happened.

He coped as best he could, and soon Reed and Magnolia were toddlers, crawling around and getting into everything.

They were adorable, that he had to admit.

As children, they got along amazingly well. They may not have had the same mothers, but they were born only a day apart, and they acted like twins.

They also had a lot of energy. Sometimes, Ficus could barely keep up.

Now, both Reed and Magnolia are teenagers. And though Ficus tries his best to keep up...

... He still sometimes has no idea what he's doing.

The End! I hope you liked that update on Generation Two. Ficus had a lot more story than Daisy did, but I just couldn't help it. Oh, and just to note... If Daisy had been Gen. 2 heir, I would have chosen her daughter Acacia as heir. She's beautiful, though not a teen yet so I can't be quite sure of how she'll turn out. Had Ficus been heir, it would have been a hard choice, but I think Magnolia would have been heir. She's one gorgeous girl. Stay turned to the Flora Legacy, because I should have another update on the main family soon!

flora legacy: generation two, flora legacy: where are they now?

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