The old DOS/PDS BASIC app I've been working on for the past 20 years or so (with some breaks to do other stuff) was purely Microsoft PDS BASIC (and a little MS-DOS batch language) until recently. Now parts of it are in Delphi, some of which contain SQL queries, since it's now also a front-end for a PostgreSQL database running on a Linux server,
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Comments 4
Another little reminder that you and Tess are invited to the BookCrossing meetup on Saturday, 1pm at DP1. My second-to-last Greymouth meetup for a while (am moving in June)
Yeah - that's pretty full-on geek stuff there. As you know, we didn't make BookCrossing - it was a hard week and weekend. I hope we can make it for your last meetup.
Will let you know when the next meetup is, will be a Saturday evening one in June. Am also having a party in June as well which you and Tess are invited to (the kids are welcome to come too, there'll be other kids there). Will let you know the details of that.
Making computer games is pretty cool. My stuff is all fairly businessy - for running hotels/motels.
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