You'll need your tinfoil hat for this one!

Aug 20, 2006 08:08

In the comments on a Slashdot book review, one user, Ed Avis had written, "I like that review... it starts off reasonable, and gets increasingly Time Cube [] as it goes on." Wondering what getting 'Time Cube' could mean...

I pointed Firefox at Whoa! Up comes stuff like this from "Dr. Gene Ray".

Mathematically impossible for a Genius
or any God to match my Cubic Wisdom.
Educators fear me, they cower and run.

I'll bet they run. I would too.

Is Wikipedia a Singularity Brotherhood
controlled Trojan Horse indoctrination -
that edits Time Cube to a negative view?

No, they just hate you because your rainbow has too many colours.

Adam and Eve were created at the same time,
but sexless. A rib was removed from eve and
a hole left to make a woman of her. The rib
was stuck on Adam to make a man of him -
and Eve is still trying to get her rib back.

Actually, I see how that would explain some puzzling aspects of women's behaviour. I bet this "Dr. Ray" guy is a hit with the ladies!

I can call singularity educators the most
putrid name on Earth and claim they eat
cow-dung ambrosia, but the lying ass
bastards will not even object - for they
know I am right and that any debate will
indict them for the evil they perpetuate
against the students and future humanity.

Yeah, I'd get pretty steamed too, if I got a 'E' for math. There's lots more on the webpage, but you get the idea.

This guy should get together with Archimedes Plutonium.
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