Name: Amber :D
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Briefly describe your personality (links to personality types are acceptable): I'm an
INFP, which basically means I'm easygoing, selfless, guarded, adaptable, patient and loyal. I'm very aware of people's feelings and such. When someone's sad, I'm usually the shoulder that they can cry on; I tend to just listen to other's feelings in that sort of situation. I'm not a nosy person and I don't push something when it's obvious someone doesn't want to talk, part of that being because I read people pretty well. I'm pretty funny at certain times, too. It's only once in a while that I act funny, but when I do it's hilarious!
Now here are some negative points of my personality... I do not like to work. At all. I have this horrible procrastination problem and I'm known to put off very large school projects by getting on the computer or playing some video games. Sometimes I can get fairly bossy, and it annoys a bunch of my family members all the time. I can get annoyed pretty easily. Just a little slip can set me off, even if it's meant to be just a joke. But my biggest problem is how I always have to have approval from other people. Just a little criticism can ruin my entire day, which shows just how insecure I am... But recently I've been changing that little flaw :D
List some of your positive traits: Nice, loyal, patient, smart, easygoing!
List some of your negative traits: Lazy, low confidence, (fairly) short-tempered, and eaily scared. Lol.
List some of your neutral traits: Ummm... Maybe that I'm a kid at heart?
What are you good at?: Writing! And reading! English has always been my strongest subject. I pretty much never get anything lower then a B or A in it! Plus I think it's really fun~! Oh boy, I'm such a nerd D;
What are you not so good at?: Huh... Sports? Yeah, not so much... I don't like sports, therefore I'm bad at them. Seriously, that's how I work.
What is your life like right now, do you feel happy?: I'm on break right now for Thanksgiving, so I'm pretty excited and happy. Time away from school for the WIN~! :D
Hobbies, interests, likes: Reading, writing, video games, music, and basically anything artistic! Except for drawing. I suck at that D;
Pet peeves, dislikes: Oh god, this question. I hate having the door to my room open when I'm in it. And you know the numbers that you see whenever you turn up the volume? I can't stand it when that number's odd. And I dislike humorless people and backstabbers too.
Manga: It HAS to be Nana! I also love love LOVE Love*Com~!
Anime: Huh... I actually don't really watch Anime. Wierd, huh?
Animal: Lions~! And kittens~! ♥
Book: Memoirs of a Geisha :DD
Color: Blue
Food: Steak. Actually... Pretty much all meat XD
Movies: August Rush, Dead Poets Society, A Walk To Remember...
Music: Anything and everything! Except for MOST rap music.
Favorite character trait?: I really appreciate a good sense of humor.
Favorite feeling?: Love? Lulz.
Favorite word?: ...Um, spring?
Favorite quote?: I'm not crazy. My mother had me tested. - Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory
Favorite song lyrics?:
Gravity by Sara Bareilles ♥
A realist, an idealist, an optimist or a pessimist: Optimistic to the max! I've actually annoyed people with my optimism D;
Trusting or Cynical: I'm a very trusting individual.
Emotional or Stoic: Emotional
Introverted or Extroverted: A mix of both, honestly...
Independent or Dependent: Dependent, but I really wish I wasn't.
Normal or Weird: Lol, oh come ON! Why be normal? Normal's so BORING!
Organized or Chaotic: Organized with everything except my room lol.
Cheerful or not: Cheerful~!
Have you seen/read this series?: A little bit of both, yeah :)
If not, why?: N/A
If yes, did you like it?: Yup~!
Which of the characters is nothing like you in your opinion?: Go wild, guys!
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