Title: Ties That Bind
sholmes87Featuring: Alphard Black with Albert Deschamps
Rating: G. Nothing objectionable.
Summary:Alphard leaves home and doesn't look back. But family has a way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it.
Author's Notes: Thanks very much to
westwardlee for letting me play with Alphard and Albert. I hope I didn't overstep.
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Comments 20
“I’m an Uncle,” He announced in tones that would be better suited to telling someone their dog had died.
And it shows in their interaction later on in life.
Now I really have to write that one about Alphard cornering Bella :-}
I'm really glad you liked this! And that I managed to get the boys right!
Oh, it does indeed!
That's going to be soooo hilarious! :D
My summer plans include doing an epic back story fic on the origins of the Death Eaters.
...and I bet that was the last time anyone ever wished Bella a long and happy life!
Ooh, I love Hieronymous Bosch as a wizard... explains a heck of a lot about The Garden of Earthly Delights!
*laughs* I'm sure you're right!
And I'm sure that's one of the Black ancestors in the back corner of the painting!
*skips off to thank Lee for the rec*
Also, I want a book about wizard artists! And I'm sure Bosch would be in there!
And little!Bella...I'm sure she must have been a lovely baby! ;)
I will troll L-space and see if I can find a book about Wizard artists.
How did the frog thing at the library work out?
I'm sure little!Bella was a beautiful baby... hee, It's her temperament I'd wonder about!
You'll have to point it out to me if you find one!
Oh, thank you for asking! It turned out well, though it was a bit funny how it turned out well...
The library told me they had had 170 kids the 1st week, 120 the 2nd, so I planned for 160... As my interns and I walked into the building, I turned to them and said "Watch, we'll probably have, like, 40 kids this week..."
Guess how many we ended up with...
About 45. ;-)
Which was good, as there was no chaos, when I was expecting total chaos. And the week before (when all we did was prepare for the day) isn't going to be a total waste, as the extra frogs are going to go for our next project (a downtown art fair) where I'm supposed to plan for about 300 kids!
Bella was no doubt hell for the poor house-elves, even as a baby.
I promise!
I'm glad it went well. And no chaos is always good. And when and what is the art fair? We're always going to things like that. We went to Mountain State Arts & Crafts fair in WV yesterday. Lots of fun and not very crowded because of the rain.
Happy Fourth of July! *lights a sparkler for you*
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