Challenge: For this challenge you are to make one picspam of any of fandoms relating to Shonda Rhimes. Your picspam must be a minimum of 15 images and a maximum of 30 images (hence the pocket part of pocket picspam). For an idea of what a picspam looks like, check out
picspammy for examples. You can include multiple Rhimes fandoms in your picspam, but NO non-Rhimes fandoms. So this means if you are making a picspam of one of the actors, you couldn't include stills/promo images of Katherine Hiegl in Knocked Up. You must post your picspam at
theoncallroom before the deadline, as well as posting a link to your post in this post. You may host your picspam at your own journal/community, however you must still crosspost to
Points: Your picspam must be a minimum of 15 images for 20 points. You can receive an additional point for every additional image (so max of 35 points for 30 images).
Due Date: July 13th 11:59 pm EST (
time left)
Information: The additional point for sig banners are now into effect. To receive your point your sig banner must be visible at your post at
theoncallroom, preferably outside of a cut.