[scans] Various magazine

Apr 20, 2008 17:23

Scans time again,

from the Good Come magazine, the missing pics ^^;;

Arena Special April 2008

Kato Kazuki

Nakagauchi Masataka

Sakimoto Hiromi and Minami Keisuke [PureBoys]

KERA MAniax 9

Aiba Hiroki

KERA November 2007

Shirota Yuu

KERA December 2007


Junon February 2008

Kanata Hongo

Shirota Yuu

Junon March 2008

Seto Kouji

Kato Keisuke, Kiriyama Renn and Takiguchi Yukihiro

Sakamoto Shogo and Takahashi Yuuta and Sakurada Doori

Morimoto Ryoji

Kato Kazuki

Junon April 2008

Seto Kouji

Kato Keisuke

Kouhei Takeda

Yazaki Hiroshi

Piroshi~~~~ He's in Bomb Bee-men[sp?] with Oguri?? Must watch!

Takahashi Yuuta [4th cast Inui]

*points to BOYS LOVE* Uh-huh. the BL world welcomes its latest Tenimyu actor.

::comment and credit if taking =) ::

Anyway, the first week of training is over, and there's 11 weeks left @___@ It's tiring~ T___T I can't online often now since I'm too busy. I'm working from 8.30 - 5 p.m. [Mon-Fri; 8.30 - 1p.m. on Saturday] and there's no Internet connection in my rented house. I can probably online during weekend only *sigh* There's sooo many things I wanna download!! I've yet to see Juri in Tokyo Ghost Trip DDD:
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