Current State: Generally pretty okay! He's starting to miss people from home who aren't already here (Drake, in particular), and had some emo over the anniversary of Max's death, but he's better again. Has also backed off a bit on jumping on Dee lately, but that'll pick up again soon.
Is also currently a kitten!
Plans for the Future: MY PLANS FOR THE FUTURE INVOLVE GETTING SOMEONE TO APP DRAKE. I mean. Uh. ...No, really. XD I've said before that if I get a Drake (or JJ gets ~*~that attatched~*~ to someone else at camp), JJ will much sooner wind up in the situation he's in at the end of Like Like Love a lot faster, where he realises Dee's ttly srs about Ryo and starts to let himself move on. Buuut that's not really a huge priority, though I do try and consistently play his reactions to Dee and Ryo's relationship.
So I'm mostly just keeping up with his most important relationships, making him some new friends, keeping him generally zen.
ALSO PERHAPS A POTENTIAL CANON UPDATE EVENTUALLY once more of FAKE season 2 is translated. Maybe. We'll see.
Posts to be Made: Kitten!JJ sleeping on Carlos... Other than that NOT A WHOLE LOT I post with JJ when I have cracked out ideas that wouldn't really work with my others, so he gets whatever pops into my head XD
OOC Things: I've said before that JJ's so easy he almost plays himself sometimes, and that still stands. But I think I might review canon soon just because I haven't read all of FAKE in about a year, other than the new Season 2 stuff. And JJ's barely been in that, so. Iunno. o/ Am zen with JJ
Current State: ...Ehhhh. He's really starting to miss home. He thinks camp is fascinating, but worries about people back home, and is really sick of people killing Czes, because he doesn't want to see the poor "kid" any more messed up. He's pissed at Davy Jones and Mukuro both, but thinks the Doctor's way of handling Jones is HILARIOUS and works well enough to keep him calm about it for now, but he has no idea what to do about Mukuro. He doesn't expect there to be any more problems, but he's still a little on edge after their meeting.
Other than that, though, he's settled here, and while he'd RATHER be home, this place isn't so bad.
Plans for the Future: GET KILLED MORE. ...I mean. Learn the fine art of fight threads. That's a part of Firo's character that I don't play with often enough, because I feel like I don't know what I'm doing, or I'm going to step on people's toes or something, so I am MAKING MYSELF LEARN. o/ More friendships would be nice, too, as Firo's "Very Important Persons" list only really includes like, three people at the moment.
ALSO MORE MAFIA ANTICS. Luck's put the idea of recruiting into his head now, so... lol? :3
Posts to be Made: Looking for a sparring partner, maybe some sort of camp-induced "LOL HAY GAIZ IF YOU DIDNT KNOW LUCK AND I ARE IN THE MAFIA YOU DO NOW" thing that I have no real ideas on. ALSO MAYBE ANOTHER IMMORTALS CLUB POST IF PEOPLE ARE INTERESTED or maybe I can get someone else to run one.
OOC Things: Firo still gives me problems sometimes. He's reaaaally hit or miss with me, so some threads I LOVE and feel COMPLETELY IC with him, and then in some others I'm wondering where the hell I left his personality. ONCE AGAIN: A canon review might be nice. But I'm really waiting on subs for eps 14 and 15/16 to be released, before I do that. ALSO I THINK CANONMATES MIGHT HELP like Maiza, and Ennis, and Isaac and Miria. :D?
...Also wanna redo some of his icons. But that's not really pertinent XD
Current State: Rose loev camp. This place is BRILLIANT, and the people here are great, and she's with the Doctor so everything is fine and happy. She's settling in fine, and is loving meeting people -- including ones who knew the old Rose, because she wants to be friends with all of them again.
Plans for the Future: More friends! Get into more trouble! FIND OUT ABOUT THE MOOGLES, then get stabbed by Davy Jones! ...And I need to ignore the niggling want to have her find out she's from a TV show, because then she'd probably just want to watch it, and LOL DOOMSDAY NO THANKS.
Posts to be Made: NO REAL POST IDEAS YET but I have general intent to Do Things with her often.
OOC Things: :D :D :D :D NEW CHARACTER!!!! :D :D :D :D :D she has not lost her shiny yet, but I've slowed down playing her since the CFUW game, because I am working on that crazy little thing called balance, and felt like she was monopolizing my play time her first week.
Aside from that, I am paranoid about her voice. I FEEL like I have it right, but I AM AMERICAN. NOT BRITISH. So I have no idea if I'm doing it right or not, but trust that I will be lovingly smacked upside the head if I start messing up?