Barney/Robin is my most recent obsession and since I don't have a whole lot of HIMYM fans on my flist, I decided to host a friending meme for the Barney/Robin comm.
Because my flist needs more people who just can't stop humming Sandcastles in the Sand and maybe yours does too ...
I'm sure most of you know already but just in case here's how it works - just copy and paste the questions below into a comment, fill them out and post. Anyone who wants to friend you can then reply to your comment and if you see anyone you want to friend, comment on their entry. Simple :)
~About You~
If I worked at Goliath National Bank, I'd be ______ guy:
I ship it because
Favourite Barney/Robin moments/quote:
Other favourite moments/quotes:
Favourite HIMYM episodes:
~The Rest~
Other fandoms/interests:
Journal type (friends locked/public):
In my journal, you normally find .... :
And finally, anything else?: