(no subject)

Jun 28, 2004 22:47

FRIENDS ONLY 90% chance ill add you


WE CAN BE FRIENDS if your atleast SIXTEEN; im a mature person and would like it if I actually had mature ones reading my journal, if you type like you actually took a computer class, you have a active journal, I like what you like, you like what I like. you comment; you can even comment old/past entries.

YOU CAN FORGET IT if we don't have anything in common. your under the age SIXTEEN, which means you were born after the year 1991. if your a teeni bopper and like to start dumb drama im to mature for that, if you add me to make your list bigger, that simply won't happen & if your 'known' for drama

comment on this entry telling me you would like to be added, if you dont do that, i'll ask you to remove me from your list quicker then you can say why. also when you comment me if you could tell me alittle about yourself I'd like that too

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