Name: Jess
Location:New Hampshire
Birthday:april 21
Sexual Preference:male
Taken/Single? [include picture if available]: single
Abortion:no, personally i think its the stupidest thing. one because its your fault, you made a bad decision and its not the babies fault.
Piercings: 4 on my ear but more to come
Anime: i hate it
Pre-marital Sex: ehh, depends, i dont think i will
Same Sex Marriage: sure
Paris Hilton:yeah
Band: taking back sunday, the killers, black sabbath, evanescence, nirvana, red hot chili peppers.. so much more
Singer: i kind of like john mayer..
Movie:NAPOLEAN DYNAMITE <33 any adam sandler movies, not another teen movie, scary movie 1,2,and, texas chainsaw massacre, gothika, charlies angels, so many more
Book: scary books
Color:pink and green
Actor:adam sandler
Sport:lacrosse and basketball
[This or That]
Christmas/Halloween?: thats hard.. because i LOVE dressing up, but i love presents.. probally halloween
Boyfriend/Best Friend?: best friend.. i guess
Cell/Computer?: computer
Lemonade/Iced Tea?:iced tea
Britney/Christina?:definently christina shes way better than britney, britneys too much of a slut
Prince William/Prince Charles?: i dont know the difference..
Nicole Richie/Paris Hilton?: both. there wicked pretty; i love the simple life
Why do you enjoy summer?: because you can go to the beach and i love wearing shorts and skirts and tanning and swimming
Why should you be accepted in short__skirts_x?: i think it would be cool, and plus i love skirts i have like millions and i like meeting new people
At least 2 places you promoted [journal or community name]: ihavnt yet, but i can
[At least o2 clear pictures of yourself]