♥ My gay gay gay ship is called Brian Kinney/Justin Taylor from Queer as Folk
My gayyity gay soul belongs to the bj and the hotmansex!!1 My aim sn for a while was bjshortgirl, but people kept confusing bj for well, blowjob ya know, so I changed it. My favorite site:
teary_eyed2 ♥ My baby's first ship is named Fox Mulder/Dana Scully from The X-Files
This brings back so many memories. Did you know that the term 'shipper' originated from The X-Files? A true classic. My favorite site:
The Gossamer Project ♥ My literary ship is sailed under a flag of Clarice Starling/Hannibal Lecter from The Silence of the Lambs/Hannibal
I wanted to be a cannibal, or, at least, sex THE cannibal (...Hannibal) in middle school. I threatened to eat my friend's brains. 'Nuff said. My favorite site:
Loving Lecter ♥ My OOC ship is called *sigh* Kate Austen/James "Sawyer" Ford from LOST
This is my OOC ship because all the fanfic I read about this ship portrays them so out of character, but I love it. I am a diehard skater, I mean, psh, jate isn't even a real word... My favorite site:
The Fuselage ♥ My real life ship is named Courteney Cox/David Arquette
Oh, but aren't they just the cutests thing really? I love that quirkiness.
♥ My (not so) real life ship is called Viggo Mortensen/Orlando Bloom
Have YOU read Viggo's poem Communion? It's about Orlando Bloom. No, seriously. SERIOUSLY. My favorite site:
vigorleancult ♥ My guilty pleasure ship is called Boromir/Faramir from LOTR
Uhhh...this ship made me think incest was just a bit hot. Do I really have to explain further why this is my guilty pleasure ship, ey?
♥ My newest ship is named June Carter/Johnny Cash
I <3 Walk the Line. Awesome movie. Plus, if June Carter is really like Reese portrays her in that movie (my mommy says she is), then June Carter is my new idol, and I will name my firstborne after her, or something. I'm also totally getting into the music. =\ My favorite site:
joaquintheline ♥ My other ship(s) are sailed under flags of:
Remus Lupin/Sirius Black (forevah!!1) from Harry Potter
OMG Puppy!love, so cute.
Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger from Harry Potter
It's so dirrrrtieee and angstiieeee I love it.
Han Solo/Princess Leia Organa from Star Wars
Awww...this was probably my first real ship, before I knew what it was. <3
Jack Twist/Ennis Del Mar from Brokeback Mountain
How can you not love gay cowboys? Seriously?
Beatrix Kiddo/Bill from Kill Bill
Man, I wish she hadn't killed Bill at the end. *sad*
Like my meme? Kinda pointless, but fun none the less. Use the categories above, whip out some pics, remember, suggest a site, whatever...
I tag anyone who likes it, since knowing my flist, they'll have no idea I tagged them.