Sign-Ups: Mary Anne

Sep 04, 2008 08:31


Hey all,

The poll is now closed, and the winner is Mary Anne. I did go and compare votes with the original poll, and counted the votes of anyone who didn't re-vote in the new poll, as well, and Mary Anne still won. So Mary Anne it is! Even if Mary Anne wasn't your pick, please consider participating, and do please come back next time around no matter what.

By the way, there are still FIVE stories from the Dawn round that have not yet been posted; please feel free to post them even though we're starting a new round! I understand that things come up and life gets busy and writer's block happens too, but don't forget that you signed up to write this story for someone who is likely looking forward to reading what they've requested after having taken the time to write the story they were assigned. Just something to keep in mind!

That said, sign-ups are now open. They'll close at on Monday the 8th, at which point I'll send out the assignments. Stories for this round will be due on Sunday, September 21st.

Please sign up by filling out this form in the comments.

LJ name:
Email address:

Girl you want paired with Mary Anne: [any female character from the BSC series is acceptable, whether a fellow club member or not]
Two or three other elements you want in the story: [you can list a location, a time frame, a quote, another character - anything to prompt your writer]
No more than two elements you don't want in the story:
Rating preference: [Please keep in mind that anything with explicit sexual content or where the characters engage in sex necessitates an accompanying timeline that puts the characters at 18 years or older]
Timeline preference: [Here's where you can say whether you'd prefer something with 11 year-old Mary Anne, later middle school Mary Anne, high school Mary Anne, college-age Mary Anne, post-college, you don't care, etc.]

No more than three characters you'd prefer to write with Mary Anne:
Other characters you could write with Mary Anne:
No more than three characters you won't write with Mary Anne:
Anything else you won't write:
Rating preference for writing:
Timeline preference for writing:

Again, these fics will be due on Sunday, September 21st by midnight. There is a 500 word minimum, but you may write more if you wish!

!mod post, challenge: 13 - mary anne, !sign ups

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