haha does everyone like my new livejournal. i got sick of the other one so i decided to chenage it Nemo style. lol well my summer is pretty darn sweet so far. well here are some cool pictures of the last day of school for you
Me and Lauren!
Lauren and Jena!
Me and Jena
Dana doing Colin's hair
Alyssa pretending to be sleeping.
Me cuz i didn't know jena was going to take the picture
Jena, me and emily
me and jessie
danae she dosen't look like herself but i still love her
Emily, emmy, and Jena
Me and Alyssa!
amber and the awesome alyssa
joe wouldn't look at the camera
me being gangsta lol
and thats it
haha so yeah i'm glad that middle school is over but i'm very sad that i have to leave it. The high school is way different and i don't exactly like changes. but lets just make the best of what we got.
SUMMER O5 is gonna be sweet and well already is