4.Name spelled backwards? elyak
5.What is your quest? to hemp amber in florida
8.Hometown? Sutton
12.Ever going to move? yes.
13.Would you rather live somewhere else? at times..
14.Birthdate? 3/30/87
17.Zodiac sign? aries
18.Do you know what that is? i duno
20.Height? 5'8
21.Weight? nunya
22.Eye color? hazel
23.Hair color? light brown
24.Any siblings? 3
25.Names and ages? jim 21 bill 20 joey 15
26.Do you get along with them? most of the time
28.Pets'Names?nick and hershey
30.Parents' Names? jim and deb
31.Do you get along with them? ya.
32.Married or divorced? married
34.Website? um no
35.Email?not that i know of .
36.AOL s/n? Ksosweet04
37.Yahoo s/n? na
39.MSN? negative
40.How many people are on your buddy list? tha max
41.Phone number? who says that
42.Personality? out of control
44.What school do you go to? ShS..tha best place on earth
45.What year are you? Sr..baby
47.Hardest class? ever? all of em
48.Easiest class? gov
49.Most fun class? art
50.What day did school start? um, sept 1
51.Do you have classes with friends? duh
53.Do you go to school events? yes
55.Do you have school spirit? when it comes down to beatin the jrs
59.Have a significant other?yes
60.What is their name? dan
61.How old are they? 20
62.How long have you been going out? -------
63.Have you been faithful? ya i dont roll anyotha way..like some ppl
64.Do you have a crush? yes
In the Past 24 Hours Have You?
71.Had a serious talk? Hell ya
72. Hugged someone? of coursei love hugs
73.Fought with a friend? yeah
74.Cried? A lot
75.Laughed? its wat i do best
76.Made someone laugh? duh
77.Bought something? yes
78.Cut your hair? heck no
79.Felt stupid? please me stupid
80.Talked to someone you love? yes
81.Missed someone? ...ya...
Have-you-ever ?
83.Smoked? yes
84.Stolen something? yes but it was from the dollar store
86.Drank? yes
87.Gotten drunk? couldnt tell ya
88.Eaten an entire box of Oreos?thats gross
89.Been dumped? ya..
90.Had someone be unfaithful to you? hahha looks that way
92. Stayed home on Saturday night, just because? sadly yes
93.Been in love? i think so
94.Seen the White House? no
97.Played monopoly? yes
98.Seen Titanic? yes
99.Kissed someone? yes
100.Tried a weight loss program? yes
101.Jumped on a trampoline? yes
102.Colored in a coloring book (and had fun)? yes
103.Had a bubble bath? no
104.Been on a plane? nope...6days
105.Been on a boat? yes
106.Been on a train? yes
107.Been in a car accident? yes
108.Ridden an elephant? no
109.Made a web page? yes
110.Played with Barbies? yes
111.Stay up all night? yes
112.Shoved stuff under your bed to make your room look clean? yes..detective deb always finds it
113.Called a psychic or sex hotline? no
114.Watched Jerry Springer? yes
115.Gotten in trouble for talking in class? yes
116.Been afraid of the dark? yes
117.Been in the hospital (not visiting)? yes
118.Had stitches? no
119.Dumped someone and regretted it? ya but not anymore.
120.Gone out with more than one person at a time? sure
121.Lied? yes
122.Been arrested? not yet
123.Fallen asleep in class? yes
124.Gotten in trouble in class? yes
125.Used food for something other than to eat? yes
126.Met a celebrity? please i belong on the red carpet
127.Broken the law? yes
129.Hated yourself? yes
131.Broken someone's heart? yes
132.Are you a virgin? yes
133.Done something really stupid? yes
134.Been arrested? no
136.Broken a bone? no
137.Ever had a crush on a teacher? yes..sergio