Story Name: Whispers
Author: Zhie
Fandom: Tolkien
C/CP: House of Finwe
Prompt Word: 42.Forbidden; 52.Two; 13.Sacrifice; 12.Skin; 19.Relief; 14.Sin
Word Count: 125 each
Rating: G to NC17 range for series
Disclaimer: I don't own them, I'm just playing in the sandbox. I promise to return them when done, without too much sand in their boots.
Forbidden, he tells me I am. Forbidden to leave and forbidden to see our cousins who are as dear to me as my brothers are. He cannot deny me, and he knows this. I am not his wife, nor his daughter, not one for him to dismiss. Freely I followed him, yet freely I will depart.
Of course, I am forbidden to go alone. He assigns his three best to escort me. He forgets how much better I am than any of these three pups. Ecthelion fights well, but I have more years of experience, and Glorfindel’s riding is subpar compared to mine. Egalmoth was chosen for his wit, and yet I find it humorous to think these three will keep me from my goal.
Little Earendil ran to Glorfindel. “Look! I got two!” He held up the sticks of rock candy, one in each hand.
“I see,” replied Glorfindel.
“Both mine!” added Earendil gleefully.
Glorfindel smiled, but it was sad and faltered.
Though young, Earendil was perceptive. “Are you sad?”
Glorfindel managed to fake a happier smile. “A little bit, little one. Nothing to worry about.” He patted Earendil on the head.
“Here.” Earendil held up the bigger of his prizes. “You can have this one.”
“I cannot take that from you,” said Glorfindel.
“You got to. Candy always makes me happy. Here.” He pushed it into Glorfindel’s hand and frowned, as Glorfindel’s eyes were watering. “Now you look sadder.”
“No, little one, you made me happier,” Glorfindel explained.
I have made a sacrifice greater than any mother should suffer. My heart holds little love yet for my husband, and his fall affects me little. It is each time one of my sons is killed that I grieve.
I should not say I favor one over the other; all parents lie and say they love each the same. But there were some who liked their father better, and some who spent their times of freedom with me. My littlest ones should have stayed; I blame their going on some dark words he surely spoke unto them to think them traitor if they did not follow. No matter; they are back with me now. Now we wait for Makalaure to return, and hope he does.
We are an odd pair, twined together. Most lovers sleeping close might have difficulty in finding where one began and the other ended, but there is no mystery here. My cousins called me ‘The White Lady’, but the nickname had little to do with my choice of attire. I have always been pale, even in health, and in the days without sunlight I have become milk-white.
My husband’s flesh, on the other hand, camouflages him in his underground realm. Dark like the shadows and smooth like chocolate. Chocolate and cream. I give an experimental lick to his forearm. I am given an odd look and giggle when he stares and says nothing - hardly the behavior of a seasoned Elven warrior princess, but it will do.
“I think I hear something.”
Maedhros kept behind by a few steps, watching for anyone or anything that might be following them. “Let us hope this time you are hearing what we are seeking.”
The search had gone on longer than Maedhros would have liked, but he planned not to give up this time as he had when his brother had abandoned two helpless children in the woods.
“Russandol, I see one of them!” Maglor sprinted forward, leaving his brother to cover his hastily made tracks.
When Maedhros reached his brother, he found him holding a wide-eyed elfling who was sucking on his thumb. “Where is the other?” he asked as he looked around, heart sinking.
“Playing in the waterfall,” grinned Maglor, nodding towards it.
Unable to sleep, my mind wanders, counting my sins for this act. Three, each worse than the previous.
Unmarried, unbound, and yet we share the same bed - mine alone when he is gone, but still his scent always lingers. We agreed to forgo formality, yet it weighs on my mind as we slip beneath sheets and explore this heat.
Unacceptable, for as cousins this close we are practically kin, and no bond between us would be blessed. I can ignore both sins, but not the last.
Unforgettable is the feeling I get when I see, hear, touch the one my soul calls out for. That he sleeps alone, in his own bed, while I am here without him is perhaps my worst sin of all.