Noticing stupid crap like that is typical behavior for an artist. Sometimes I'll point something like that out to someone. Usually it results in blank stares or at best acknowledgment that I'm correct, But so what. If I point the same thing out to an artist, visual or otherwise they usually will have already noticed it, or be someone delighted by it.
As far as language goes, the error people make all the time on signs is using quotation marks for emphasis, where in reality, typically the way they use it means "not really that thing". You can keep your "fresh" fish and your "Genuine" antiques, thank you very much.
i love live journal and i don't care that most of my friends only post about rants they are having with themselves. i luh it! also i spend about 2-3 hours driving a day and oh boy the things i notice!
Comments 4
As far as language goes, the error people make all the time on signs is using quotation marks for emphasis, where in reality, typically the way they use it means "not really that thing". You can keep your "fresh" fish and your "Genuine" antiques, thank you very much.
I think you should give LJ the shaft more often. 'Cause I reap the benefits (i.e.: I get to read you!).
"ima learn yous about the importancy of the situation"
"borrow me"
"yous guys"
"i seen this"
ramble on.
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